Thursday 1 September 2011


We've arrived in Sweden! The drive down to Åbo was loooong, but i spent it mainly crocheting and doing other little creative bits and pieces, so I kept myself busy. We also had a little forrest picnic in Honkajoki, which was interesting. People stared at us like we would be the oddest thing in town (village) since purple carrots. Also, interestingly, found a tv (not smashed) at the side of the road. I wonder why someone decided to dump their tv in Honkajoki?

The ferry trip was quite amusing, we had some champers in our nice deluxe suite, AMAZING tapas food and lovely wine, to celebrate mamma's 55 years birthday! Fairly odd ferry but it was still fun..Had to get up really early this morning (to have time for a MASSIVE buffé breakfast!) and drove from Stockholm to Malin & Henrik's house in Norrtälje kommun, on the country side. Oh my dear sweet lord, this house, the garden and the surroundings are utter heaven! I feel so happy and lucky to get to see this, and to get to see my sister looking so happy, healthy and beautiful. Lilla O. is getting bigger by the day, and (s)he is saying hi to her auntie by giving me little kicks. I am looking forward to some amazing days here!
Oh, I managed to blow 122 euros on taxfree on the ferry, in about 10 minutes! THat's some impressive shopping comittment! I got slightly carried away(:

Now we're off for a show, Ljust & Fräscht with Henrik Schyffert and Fredrik Lindström, wohoooo, so exciting!


 My ferry outfit


Bits and pieces in the car

More pictures coming tomorrow! So long lovers and freaks!

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