Friday 16 September 2011

one more addiction please! Ode to the frothiness and espressoblackness

Coffee oh Coffee, how have I avoided you pretty much all my life? And how did I finally get ensnared in your oh so lovely deepbrownblack and milkfrothy yarn? I love thy high and mighty and will dedicate maybe the rest of eternity to thine unruly power and greatness!

Hmmm...I chose to blame it on Isa & Hope's amazing espresso machine. And a little on Jacksons lyrical coffee speaches. Damn it. I thought I had enough addictions as it is - cigarettes, love, walking barefoot, second hand shopping, dresses of all forms and sizes, biting shoulders and noses, dogcuddling, alcohol etc etc...But apparently no, there was enough space for another (many more?) additctions in my life. So, I bow my head down low, eat a big slice of humble pie and swallow it down with another amazing strong frothy latte.

Santa, please can I get an espresso maker (plus milkfrother) for christmas? I promise to be a very very sweet girl every day until christmas! Pleeeeeeease pretty please?!

Woke up at 6.00 AM as usual, Rosita snoring loudly and sweetly next to me. I craved cigarettes (finished) and coffee (not usually supplied in bed) so I went for a wander in gloves, hat, scarf and bare legs (it felt nice). I was still wearing my Marimekko nightie. Ica was closed (whyyy?) but I found an early morning coffee hut at the trainstation, which supplied me with my morning fix - menthol cigarettes and strong latte! HUrrah. Plus the girl in the coffee hut was sweet and had kissingsuckingmarks on her neck. I thought that was sweet and made me happy. I was about to aks her if she had a love(ly) night last night but realised just in time that such a question is slightly unappropriate for strangers. A week with Rosita has made me (un)naturally DAMP'y and I can hardly tell which is my own accent and which is John Galliano's/PhillieMichael's/skåningens/mumintrollets/Alfons Finlandssvenska drogpappas! Let alone what is appropriate and inappropriate questions!

Oh I love how Rosita and I play off each other. Our characteristics and personalities are both enlarged and ensnared by one another's! A few days ago we went to visit Svampen, the muschroomshaped watertower in Örebro, and we sat in the restaurant in the top of the tower after having lunch. All of a sudden we realised that our table looked like an activity camp for children with bokstavs syndrom - it was overloaded with pencils, tushpennor, yarn, colouring books, cameras, photos, drawings and laughter. Two old ladies walked past us and smiled. I think they thought we were slightly simple children who had lost/mislaid our guardians for a while. I chose to think that they liked what they saw. That was after Fröken Brogrens where we discussed dinosours and I starred in a little film called 'How a T-Rex would eat kanelbulle'. Due to it's very short arms it would eat it straight off the table with it's mouth. Which resulted in me looking like I had snorted cocain for half a year (my nose and face covered with icing sugar). I hope someone saw us filming and wants to join our fanclub ( Fans would be great.

Rosita is still sleeping (not snoring anymore) and I will take the remains of my coffee out to the mornigsunny balcony and have a little knitting session. With a pläd over my legs and stars in my eyes.

Today I will pack my things in my new (old) red suitcase, enjoy my last day with Rosita and on Sunday I go back to Söderbylund. Enjoy Malin, Henrik & Lilla O's company for a day and then Monday (19th) I am off to LONDON TOWN baby!

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