Sunday 11 September 2011

Europetour edition 11: The day Isa & I walked the entire Stora Essinge, went out with the Pampas Crew and I ate pink dreams

I woke up early and in a good mood! Isa had to go to work at 11.30, so we decided to take a long walk in the morning after having our morning coffees. We got our shit together (i.e got dressed in far too warm clothes) and wandered out into the Essinge morning. I was taken aback and breathtaken by the amazingness of the island!

Isa enjoying our walk


Cousins out for a walk!

(this is the Anna-Karin is getting sick of her own photographing pic..)

Haha, regnöl!genialt!

Walking around the entire island took an hour, as we (I) stopped every 5 seconds marvelling/photographing every house, stray of grass, view, pelican I met along the way. But the sun came out and it got warmer in the air, so it was an amazing walk! Made me feel happy and content!

When we got back we were ravenish after all the walking, so we dished up a wonderful little terrace picnic with lattes, cordial, sandwiches and crisps. Yummiiie! The sun was beaming and the terrace was getting warmer and warmer by the minute!

Isa was not too happy about having to go to work...

But I was happy about NOT going to work!

After Isa had left for work I had a niiiiiice long skypesession with the Viking, and it was highly enjoyable! As you can see by the pic I was amused by taking skype conversation photos!

After skyping and a prescribed chill pill I decided to take an extra large dose chillpillage, so I literally chilled the H*LL out of the day. Sunbathing.....

sunbathing with red hair mask....

And camera posing seminude...

I pretty much just did that for 5 hours (sunbathing, crocheting, listening to music, meditating a bit, reading and smoking a lotl...). Then my belly started grumbling so I decided to take a walk and see what I found on my way...I walked through Stora Essingen, got to a bridge and decided to follow it and see what happened..

Before leaving Stora Essingen I went into a lovely florists and bought a flower/plant for Isa. Can't remember what it's called, but it's nice and purple, in a pretty offwhite flowerpot!

I had new shoelaces...

After crossing the bridge I was on Lilla Essingen, and isntantly found a cafe called Rosa Drömmar (Pink Dreams) which I thought was such a suitable name I had to try their lunch!

So I sat down, ordered a veggie pasta dish, a glass of wine and some wellneeded peace!

It was oh so tasty!

The clouds over Essinge were beautiful!

When I got back I prepared a little surprise treat for Isa and Hope, as a thank you for all their hospitality not only now, but all the nights, dinners and love I have got from them in London!

After Isa came back we started getting ready as we were gonna head out into the Stockholm night...My hair was amazingly electric red due to the hair mask! <3

porrtoppen åkte på!

Och nya tightsen! <3

We went to Zinkensdamm to meet up with some lovely Pampesgirls in an irish pub (which played bloody awesome music, pixies, white stripes, hives, nirvana, LCD soundsystem and the best of all; woop woop is the sound of the police!)

After a few hours at the pub we walked into the night to find Rocks, which Miina had recommended after I have asked where I can fuldansa (uglydance). IT WAS PERFECT!

Fille with a wonderful pose!

I think this was the angry cat look?....

Angry cats or drunk Pampeser?

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