Saturday 10 September 2011

Europetour edition 10, the day I should have left my wallet at home, my camera took a holiday and I met an old friend which became a new friend!

Woke up disgustingly early (5.30AM) by the most beautiful message ever which BLOSSOMED of happines and love, and made me so happy I had to call the wonderful message sender (Alvilda vackra Sandra) and talk through happiness, love, magical nights and more love. A sleepy Sandra answered '...halla?...' with a small voice as I called from random swedish number, but was happy and less scared when she realised it was I. What a wonderful way to start the day! Karlek at dig Sandra over himlarymden, tack for att du far mig att ma sa bra!

The scarf can be used as a pocket/bag!

Since I woke up in such a sunny mood I decided to make someone else happy as well, so I dished up a proper hotel style breakfast for Isa (as Hope had already eaten and was on his way to work); orange juice, coffee, saft, youghurt, bread, veggies, and to top it all off: cold sparkling rose'! (: A small glass for Isa as she was going to work, and a sliiiightly bigger glass for myself as I am on holiday. So we had a long and leasurely breakfast, talked and giggled about drinking sparkling pink on a thursday morning with the sun shining outside! Vackert!

After Isa left to work I pottered around in the amazing flat, started unpacking and hung my clothes up. Oh my god. When I was done it looked like a Colour Monster had INVADED the flat, snook in the back entrance (no dirty insinuation please) and literally PUKED rainbow colours all over the flat! I hung my clothes into Isa & Hopes walk in wardrobe (I WANT ONE!) and their poor clothes looked so shocked and pale in comparison! Hopes workshirts (which were colourful but pale colours) looked dead scared above my pink, crimson, red, blue, stripes, gold and turqouise! But I think they got along after I had turned the light off and they were allowed to mix in the dark. Sometimes all you need is darkness to discover and accept each other.

 I think the Colour Monster puked a bit on my hair as well! nice one!

Aftere admiring my colourful travelling wardrobe (clothes are supposed to make you happy. Warm is good, but if your clothes don't make you happy as well you have the wrong kind of clothes!) I skyped/telephoned (can't quite remember which) with Viking which was nice as always, and then I headed out into the Stockholm Thursday!

I jumped on a bus, but decided after a while that I wanted to walk, so I jumped off, got myself a new Stockholm map and decided to just see where I ended up. I realised that I was at Kungsholmen, which is a beautiful place, so I wandered sunny streets, walked into lovely shops and then had coffee and lunch at a cute little cafe. I found an amazing shop called Govinda, and spent far too much money on wonderful things. Bought probably the most beautiful necklace ever, which I was informed is made out of holy tree, and have not been able to take it off since. It is a little bit like prayer beeds, and I find it wonderfully meditative to close my eyes in my solitude and make up a mantra of the day following the beautiful wooden beeds with my fingers. I was never able to meditate in London, but I think I have finally got the hang of it now as I have departed from the ambition to manage to NOT think. A buddhist meditation 'teacher' did tell me once that meditation is NOT about not thinking about anything, but about thinking the 'right' kind of thoughts. I think I finally get what that means. And being a novice I find using mantras a really good way to get hang of the peace and quiet. I like using the 'Loving Kindness' meditation technique, starting each mantra with 'may I....' and then forming it the way you want, such as 'May I be truthful, May I be at peace, May I love and be loved, May I never again lie to myself or others.....'. Being able to create your own mantra and adapt it every day to however you feel that day/whatever you are thinking that day is super great.

After an amazing corn waffle lunch (corn waffle filled with salsa, avocado, tomato, rocket and creme fraiche, bloody AMAZING!) I continued my walk, found an amazing shop called Pop Troll and bought again far too much stuff, but got the best tights in the world so it was worth it! I then started walking with skygglappar in order not to shop more, as I was meant to walk into centrum to meet up with Neha..

I found Neha at Ahlens, and it was lovely to see her after so many years! We walked down Drottninggatan and then found a nice little bistro where we sat down with a whiskey/glass of wine and talked, talked, talked and talked. I informed her early that she is allowed to ask me to shut of at any time, as I am suffering severe Oral Diarrea at the moment and literally only shut up when I sleep (and I have been informed I talk in my sleep as well!), but she didn't seem fazed by my talkativeness, which I take as a sign that she is a wonderful person. It was really really great to catch up, talk and listen to each others lives, works, lovestories and heart sorrows. I am so happy an old friend has become a new friend, and we decided to go out together on Friday!

After a glass of wine I wandered on, walked to Tomas work to surprise him, but ended up being surprised myself as City Studios was closed. Oh well, it was a nice walk anyway. So I took the bus back out to beautiful Stora Essingen, met up with Isa and took tvarbanan to find  a petrol station to buy gas at. We managed to find one after a little bit of asking and looking around and then carried a heavy gas bottle each through the Stockholm night (which was a new experience!). We stopped off at a lovely little italian restaurant to have a glass of rose (which was a really really good rose!), some way or another we ended up switching to finnish and then we talked finnish for the entire glass of rose! And it went surprisingly well! We had a few of confusing moments when we tried to remember or figure out how to say certain things, such as what the f*ck 'will' (as in 'I will wash clothes today') is in finnish??! (Aion). After a leisurely wine we went back home and Isa cooked dinner.

I ended up forgetting about dinner as I was skyping on the floor for about an hour, but that was fine, I filled my belly with warmth instead of dinner, and it worked as well! Then I rambled into bed (jag var dum och jag var ung och jag ramla pa allt, jag ramlade in pa nan fest nanstans, for det skulle ju va dans dans dans...) and fell asleep pretty much instantly again...............

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