Tuesday 30 August 2011

Bang Bang I'm leaving town (but I sure as h*ll will be back!)

Hey what a totally amazing feeling to be excited about leaving for a monthlong (or more, or less) tour to see all your friends around the world, but on the same time being totally excited about coming back to Jakobstad, since you have goddamn adorable friends here, a pub which is alredy giving you staffdiscount even though you haven't even done your first shift yet, a local paper which awaits columns, parents who literally walk through fire for you, and a Viking in Vasa. Liiiiti Läscsht!!

My last day in Jakobstad was a totally amazing one, I would say that except last Sunday yesterday was maybe my favourite day of all times. It's definately a close second. This is what I did;

1. I woke up feeling great and excited, so I packed my bags for my tour, listened to music and realised I can wear jeans for the first time in over 2 weeks (I f*cked my knees up whilst drunkbiking - take that as a lesson please kids!)!!

2. Took my little Terhi into town. Beautiful morning!

 3. Ms. Ena and Mr. Nyman Juniour came and picked me up in their car, so we went to After 8 for lunch. Kåldolmar, mmmmmmmm!
 Liiiti snyggan kaffedejt!

 Liiiiiti bussi!!

 4. After seeing Heidi & Kevin off I walked wellknown streets in Björnviken to get to mommo & moffas. A trip down memory lane!

 5. Heidi decided to GIVE ME a lovely pink top and purple bra, liiiiti läscht! Who does not love free stuff? And especially stuff which one of your best friends have worn, it feels like recieving a little piece of their heart and I will treasure it forever!
 6. I wore my new shoes for the first time ever! I popped their cherry with red shoelaces and a happy smile! (Also, JEANS!!)
 7. I got to mommo and moffas and sat down for a chat with them. They had missed my column so I digged it out for them...
 mommo reading the column

 moffa reading the column

8. Mommo drove me into town before her hairappointment, and after a bank visit I walked home. My poor feet who have enjoyed two months of barefoot adventures were sorely confused by the new restrained environment, and they demanded attention!!

 9. So I decided that the only right thing was to release the poor buggers. Thankfully the grass was wet and cold and I could almost hear my feet sing a thankful hymn as I released them!

10. As I live by the sea both at the cottage and the flat I decided to chillax my feet in the water before continuing the day..



11. I sat for a while just enjoying the serenity of the scenery, and looking at my beautiful little Terhi with a lot of maternal love in my fastticking heart!
12. Whilst my shoes also had a well earned rest and also admired the scenery I think....

 13. Investigated my tattoo when I got in, and decided to cut the back of my neck hair so that it would be more visible. It got kinda wonky but at least the tattoo is more visible!

 Before cutting the neck hair, it's healing well!

14. Took Terhi to the car park for a well needed rest and got motorstopp half way!!! Nice one Captain Jylhä, next time check your bloody gas before going out!! Had neither phone nor camera with me so I had to row the rest of the way. Good exercise I reckoned and laughed at my own stupidity whilst rowing.

15. Went to pappas garage with mamma and pappa, and found a TREASURE CHEST of memories!!! All my old cd's, books, photos etc. I lauged, I cried and I mused. And I brought pretty much all cd's home, it was like seeing old friends after a longass holiday! SWEET!

16. Mommo and moffa called to say that the column was great and that they're proud of me. It meant the world!

17. Then I headed to O'learys to paint my nails, have a drink and await my gorgeous cocktaildate Heidi. Whilst waiting or her I chitchatted, read teenage poetry (which I found in the garage!) and had long lovely conversation with Vasa's finest..
18. Heidi arrived and I was happy! I decided that Heidi needed drinksticks, and we found some muscly men which were A LOT of fun!

 Heidi armwrestling the drinkman!

 Anna-Karin happy over the beautiful drinkcompany! (and a little over the drinkman armwrestling!)

 19. A spontaneous armwrestling fight broke out between the green and the yellow drinkman, Heidi and I acted photographers, referees, commentators and audience!

 it is close, but I think Yellow Man has the lead! (he was in fine shape after last years injure whilst armwrestling purple man. He is finally back on the scene after a long holiday in Barbados whilst only swimmning in champagne)

20. We took the armwrestling championships highly seriously, and accepted NO cheating! (oh and we found some food and free chocolate, SCORE!)

21. After finishing the drinkman armwrestling championships (Blue Man came back on the scene and robbed the victory after Yellow Man was disqualified for obvious alcohol abuse reasons) we headed to my future workplace, Friends, and was greeted pretty much like regulars, which was sweeeeeet!

 This is how happy we were at getting staff discount even before starting working there!

22. Then we had some more (cheep) drinks and that was pretty much it! NOT A BAD DAY!


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