Friday 9 September 2011

Europtetour, edition 9, when it rained a lot, I sucked up to a cat and left for Stockholm

However wonderful country life is along came the day when it was time to give poor Malin & Henrik some peace and quiet and let them return to their normal life. And time for me to see the big City!
I had a not so nice experience at 6.00AM when I opened the front door and a distraught Leya came running  in from outside, miauing heartbreakingly and feeling slightly chilled in the fur. Poor Leya had been left outside all night, by evil 'aunt' Anna-Karin!! I was soooo sad and felt so guilty, and tried to make it up to her by giving her loads of milk (which Simba drank) extra food (which Simba ate) and even offer my newly crocheted mat for her as a cat blanket (she was not too interested). After a while though on the sofa she purred as normally and even let me cuddle her, so I think she is a clever and forgiving cat. Thank god for that!

 My first deceantly sized mat!

How do you suck up to a sad and cold cat? Give her a blanket!

It rained, and it rained, and it rained a little more. I crocheted random bits and pieces and made myself some extension hair. And realised I am looking more and more a hippie by the day. The realisation made me pretty pleased, I have always wanted to be a bit hippified. I think Sandras wonderful love to the world spirit and style is a disease - and I am infected badly! Nice stuff! So I pottered around in my fake blue and white hair, enjoyed my new red hair and did a little of this and that.

 pondering when my hair became long, blue and white and made of cottton??

with the wind in my shorts!

I managed the ultimate HouseWife test - dishing up a nutrutinous and quite tasty lunch from whatever ingredients there are in the fridge. No idea what it actually was, but it contained about thousand different herbs, vegetables, qourn mince, a little wine, cream, a little tomato pure, fragrant jasmine rice and some stock. It was pretty tasty! I think I will call it Anna's surprise (cause you'll have no idea what the h*ll it is!)

In the afternoon Malin & Henrik drove me to Norrtalje, we walked around a rainy town, I went a bit mad in an underwear shop and bought myself goodies for 1300 kronor! But money well spent cause they are absolutely wonderful underwear, and matching! My only set probably ever which matches! Then I said bye for now to M&H and took the bus towards Stockholm!

I arrived with all my heavy bags, got myself a map and started walking through Stockholm streets. I got a proper shock over how hectic everything was, kids, screaming adults, dogs, cars, trams everywhere! I can't belive that 2 1/2 months ago i lived in LONDON and now a couple of cars and a dosen kids scare the hell out of me! Well, not quite scare the hell our of me, but it makes me unsettled. It's too much stress, it's too hectic, too loud, too smelly. I walked a little and stumbled over an O'learies! Which I saw as a sign that I should give my poor feet and arms a rest, so I ordered myself a dry (it was in fact sweet) glass of rose and sat down outside (it was now sunny and unrainy).

Met an interesting slightly erratic individual inside, and felt sure as matchsticks that he would join me outside, which he also did after a few minutes. So we smoked a few (many) cigarettes together,got to know each other, gave each other made up names (Felix - Sara, but Ulrika if I am ever very very mean and boring), insulted each other a little and talked about life, love, art and other stuff. He told me about CM (which is very very secret and I cannot breathe another word without his permission) and I told him about my gang back home in Jeppis. It was nice to meet a person who was slightly crazier than me (he had just been thrown out of a bar for ordering water and seeming high). We also made up a new word - Librahattery - which I am sure Hakan Hellstrom has, a Library for Hats! He offered to take me into Stockholm on his bike, but considering my many bags I decided it was safer to walk. So after crocheting Felix a bracelet and giving him a cigar (leaving presents behind is the best way of travelling, it lightens your suitcase and fills your heart and karma account) I waved goodbye and started walking. After a few metres I hear Felix scream 'SARAH' and I turn around shouting back 'WHAT?', Felix: 'MINA RAKASTAN SINUA' (I love you in finnish), Sarah/Anna-Karin [laughing]: 'MINA RAKASTAN SINUA MYOS!' Stockholmladies and gentlemen stared us down, which I thought was funny and if I would have had a hat I would have taken it off and bowed them. Now I just shook my fake hair and tried to look hippie crazy lovechild. It worked. A dog smiled at me though.

 CM Felix

The bracelet!

I walked the streets of Stockholm and got to Ahlens almost exactly in time (which only counts in Kokkola) and was met by a blond Miina (I was expecting a blackhaired one but blonde was just as wonderful!). We chatted and found ourselves a pub (fittingly called 'London', that place is haunting me!). So we had two glasses of wine/pints of beer, chatted and pretty much laughed our heads off all the time. Miina has an amazing sense of humour, and the best Malax dialect I have EVER heard, which is VERY impressive for a born and bred Stockholmer (I blame/thank her Osthrobotnian grandparents). She shared the wonderul 'Drom om mitt Larsmo' with me, we laughed screamingly and a middle aged couple turned around in dislike (get over it, you're sitting on an outside terrace in the middle of Stockholm - expect/accept some noise and just enjoy your night). I then realised I had the most fitting present for Miina, as she is a strong Larsmo fan and my mother had just sent me a Larsmo merchandise keyringnecklace thingie. After about an hour of furious digging in my various bags I found the bugger, and I have NEVER seen anyone get happier over a silly little present before! She beamed from ear to ear and instantly started taking pics of it and posting on FB! It was so much fun! I say giving things away is so much more fun sometimes than recieving them or bying stuff for yourself.

 Drom om mitt Larsmo!

 Miina LOVING her present!

We weren't in the red light district even though it looks like it!

We parted ways after a few hours and I took the bus to Stora Essingen, met Isa and we went to get some pizza. The pizza turned out to be AMAZING and we ate every last crumb before pretty much crashing into bed (me at least!)! Tired as a sausage on crack I fell asleep at 11.00, nice blissful peaceful sleep on the worlds comfiest sofa.

Bed number 3 on the trip - A surefire 10 pointer! felt like cuddling with a nice brown bear!

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