Friday 2 September 2011

Europetour, edition 3: Vi hitta ti Rimbo!!

1st September and we drove out of Isabella's belly and into the Stockholm morning!

 excited about coming closer to Malin & Henrik!

 Hello Stockholm!

 I was crocheting a bit more in the car, as I wanted a little present for Malin & Henrik. Malin got a little heart broch which actually looks more like a pig, and Henrik got a keyring which is a snail but looks like a girl with pigtails..I like crocheting so that people have to guess what the h*ll it actually is(:

 Malins pigheart

I got more excited as we got out of Stockholm and into the country side, this is the Sweden I like!

And then the GPS man finally got us to Malin & Henriks house in Söderbylund. The morning was cold and misty, but damn was it beautiful!

We found a Malin and a Lilla O! Happiness!!! Then we walked around the house and the garden just ooooh'ing and aaah'ing about the prettiness of it all! A totally amazing house for an amazing couple!

 Malin & Lilla O!

 Simba felt the need to have a little poop, but nicely enough didn't look us in the eye(:

 As it was mammas birthday the day before Malin dished up a lovely birthday coffee fiest, and we all ate and drank (coffee) to our hearts content!

 Mamma liked her present!

 Malin & Henrik

Then we went outside and had a look at the surroundings. The garden is full of quirky little nooks and corners, houses, flowers, patios and apple trees! It is paradise for a grass wanderer like me!

 Stora snigel akta dig akta dig akta dig!


 A large cup of tea, sunshine and mistwet grass = HAPPY Anna-Karin!

 The next best thing to bare feet, comfy wellies and knitted long socks!

The day got warm and lovely and we all went outside to do various things...

 pappa started working...

 I did a little bit of crocheting and braiding...

After a few hours in the sun and a lovely dinner we got ready in our evening gear to head into Circus in Stockholm to watch 'Ljust & Fräscht' with Henrik Schyffert and Fredrik Lindström. Henrik works at the show doing lights, and he had managed to get us and his mother tickets to the last repetition before the big premier the next day. 

 Malin and I was patting Lilla O on the way into Stockholm...

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