Saturday 3 September 2011

Europetour, edition 4B: Special late night/early morning edition

I awoke at 4ish of a textmessage, and sleepily started replying to it when all of a sudden - what the h*ll, this is not a common noise in the Söderbylund household? What is it? 

A sleepy mother pokes her head through the door; 'You're not SMOKING in the room are you?' The firealarm is activated. Me (slighlty hurt); 'Why the h*ll would I SMOKE in the room, what do you think of me?' (this conversation is obviously in swedish..). Pappa pokes his head through the door; 'what's going on?'. Me; 'I DON'T KNOW!'

 Modigkatten brydde sig inte så mycket om brandalarmet

 Lesson one in paparazzi photography; ALWAYS have your camera handy, sleep with it, eat with it, photograph early morning smokeseeking pappa with it!

 The cats are just thinking; why the h*ll is everyone up so early? And where is our food??

The cats make entrance, also they sniffing the air, but seeming very unbaffled by the ongoings downstairs, they just want some early morning food (I don't blame them!)

A just as sleepy Henrik enters the scene and the four of us (plus two happy cuddleseeking foodseeking cats) wander around the entire downstairs, basement and upstairs trying to find anything burning. Nothing's burning. Not even a little flame. Not even a little smoke. What needs to be said as well is that of the four of us ALL has major colds, and pretty much unfuctioning noses. Luckily Malin with the Supernose (she has the most smell sensitive nose I have ever come across) who is also not coldy also comes downstairs, and calms us all down with her serenity and unfrightenness. So we go to sleep again. (that is mamma, pappa and henrik goes to sleep, I go out for a smoke and Malin wanders her house for a bit)

Then we disconnect also the other firealarm and sleep happily ever after.

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