Saturday 17 September 2011

Europe Tour, edition 14 - the day I got a manicure, went back in time to the 70's and had a movie night..and found a bike!

As customary I woke up early on Wednesday night, and as I wanted to let Rosita sleep for a bit longer I decided to have a morning walk and just see what I found along the way... I thought Fröken Brogrens (the lovely caf just around the corner from Rositas, with amazing bakery goods, coffees to die for and the cutest interior ever!) would open at 8.00, but nope, 9, so I wandered on into town...I found an early morning open coffee hut at the trainstation, so I got myself a (superstrong!) latte and strolled leisurely into town. It was a rather rainy day, but the coffee tasted good, the castle was pretty and the birds in the park fat - so I was happy!

Walked around photographing Örebro, looking at the random art pieces from the soon to finnish Open Art project, such as a plane in the water, a van full of japanese stones, and randomly placed white figures made out of clay...Beautiful morning!

I finally found a early morning open cafe after some eager searching (everything opens SO late in Sweden!), in Örebro's old town, so I sat down with a tea and a sandwich, and wrote/made about hald a dosen postcards, updated my diary and knitted for a bit. Lovely to just sit in peace for a while (a good few hours) with nothing but a cup of tea and ones own thoughts (and a tiny bit of background noise such as a silent radio far off, clutter of coffee cups and a soft laughter..). I am finding peace and quiet so extremely calming and inspiring at the moment. It might not seem like it as I talk most of the f*cking time, but I actually do enjoy quietness sometimes! (that's why I like blogging, cause it relaxes me. Alone with my thoughts!)...

After a good few hours at Hälls (cafe) I walked out into the Örebro morning to have a look at a manicurist's to check their prices for gelmanicure removal and manicure...I found this little cute place and after a chat with a nice young asian girl I decided to go for it and spoil myself a little - and what a treat! The guy who did my nails was a total pro, and have never known that hand and fingermassage could be so extremely relaxing and enjoyable! I almost fell asleep as he was massaging my palms and arms! And I got a lush bright pink colour which makes me happy to look at! Well worth the money! Rosita had woken up and got herself ready during that time, and came to meet me at the manicurists.

When I was done with the manicure we went (me with nails pointing all directions) to Länsmuse'et to see the 1970's exhebition they had on. It was amazing! Oh how I adore the 70's! The clothes, the political consiousness and visions, the 'rebirth' of feminism, the collectivism, the radicalism, the clothes, the music, the velour!, the interior design, the clothes, I love it all! I am so jealous I didn't get to grow  up in the 70's! I loved the little exhibition, and photographed as a mad person!

In the evening we walked over to Rositas friend David's house, to have a little film night. Oh what a fun night, I laughed far too much and ate far too many gifflar, which resulted in me falling asleep on the sofa as soon as Fantastic Mr. FOx (which WAS fantastic!) was finished!(: So I slept and snored as R & D watched another fil m (I am such a little kid!)(: My favourite part of the evening was without doubt the new Alfons movie (Pappa e STARRK!) - love it!

Oh, and on the way home I found a pretty bike! A dark green monarch! wow!

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