Wednesday 14 September 2011

Europetour, edition 13- Three days rolled into one - When I found Myrorna, started kniting and made friends with the Örebro Knitting Mafia!

Oh heavens, I have been slightly scattery and busy these last few days and had far too much fun to keep blogging, so I'll do a run through the last few days..

On Sunday I woke up bright and early feeling great, as we didn't drink much on Friday and I fell asleep like a mossy little stone around 12ish....Tomas was asleep like a hibernating seal so I left him to sleep his beauty sleep whilst I went out for some adventures...

 Some serious knåterburr situation going on....

Went into central Stockholm, to find myself a strong coffee and some breakkies. Wandered around the city, and enjoyed the peace and quiet of a still sleeping Stockholm. Stockholm has been driving me mad with it's business, too much noise and too much people, but hey it's really nice when it's still asleep! Hardly any people around and clean and bright! I had to look for HOURS to find a cafe which was open (this was about 8ish on a sunday after all...) but finally found a nice little one, so sat down for a coffee, blueberry smoothie and a sandwich, niiice....

After a little card writing I walked back to the station and headed to Tomas, to wake him up! We läsched for a while and then went to his studio to dump all my stuff, as we were going to check out a flat which he will potentially rent...Afterwards we had some lunch and then I headed off to the station to find my bus to ÖREBRO!

Had a dead boring bus journey, but as I got off the bus in Örebro the pretty pretty marvellous ROSITA was waiting for me, so it was worth the boringest bus journey ever!! We headed home to Rositas, and I fitted right into her cosy flat which was purple, bright pink, turqouise and quirky!! My stuff fitted in like a hand in a glove!(: Colour Monster's happy!

 In Gubbängen checking out a flat with Tomas

We chatted and had some tea and then I pretty much fell asleep at 11. AGAIN! Last time I was in Örebro, 2003, I did the exact same time, fell asleep pretty much as soon as I got into her flat! (she even has a photo of me asleep that first day we ever met! so sweet...little teenage Anna-Karin asleep and dribbling..) Oh well, this time I didn't sleep for the entire journey, but woke up at 2ish or so, and we decided to take a late night walk/tour of Örebro. So we got some jumpers and scarfs on and went out for an hour or so walk, it was sooo lovely! took loads of pictures, tied some ribbons in trees/lamp posts etc, and we marvelled at pretty houses, trees, empty pools etc..

Monday I woke up not as early as usual, which was nice for a change! We pottered around for a bit, had breakfast and then I went to the amazing Fröken Brogrens Veranda (cafe') for a morning coffee...Rosita came and joined me after a while, and we enjoyed the autumn sun, pear biskvier and each others companies. Met two of Rositas friends and had a nice little chat. Later on we took a walk, I did some shopping (surprise surprise) and then we went to Ica to do some grochery shopping...I found some amazing wool and got inspired, so I bought some kniting needles as well and decided to start knitting a scarf!

We went via Myrorna before going home, and I found some super great and cheep stuff! An amazing red suitcase for very cheep money, a super nice kimono, a Lilla My dress, a funky 'crazy art teacher' top and a quirky scarf! All for 325 kronor! wohoooo!!

After a quick dinner we headed off to the RFSL office/space, as Rosita was going to host her every second weekly youth group, Bubbel. This was a special Monday, as it was Clamydia Monday, which meant loads and loads of games and activities relating to safe sex, advice etc. I had soooo much fun! I got to play with the other youths, and I think I had the most fun night I have had in ages! Oh what a lovely bunch of brave, honest and absolutely fabulous GLBT youths! My little heart swells with both joy, pride and sadness when talking to them!!!

Rosita and Emil were amazing 'game hosts' and we were pretty much rolling on the floor laughing, especially as Rosita was doing a mime/theathre show as we were reading out our Queer porn stories! I was totally knackered after all the laughing, and bisquit eating!! Pretty much fell into bed again and slept long and wonderfully for the entire night...

Tuesday I woke up normal time, ie. six o clock again, and after some lazy breakfast, knitting and coffee at Fröken Brogrens (where I made friends with the Örebro Knitting Mafia! All of a sudden I was surrounded by fifty or so supernice old ladies who were all knitting or crocheting and shaking my hand and introducing themselves! Nice I thought and chatted happily with them. Turns out they have a knitting cafe every second tuesday between 10-12 AM, how marvellous! Love the old ladies of Örebro, especially Lena!) Rosita and I went out to check out the town! We walked around Örebro, went into some shops and second hand shops, saw the amazing big yellow bunny on the square and said Hello to the Castle!

Then we went home to have some lunch before I went off for my amazing Kupol Adventure! I had made friends with a lovely lady in a health shop/spa on Monday, and decided to try their Kupol. Basically it meant lying down in a tube thing, which was pulled up to the shoulders, and then got towels over my shoulders and neck. Then they switched on longwave infrared light, calming music and I roasted in there for about 40 minutes. I pretty much fell asleep instantly, and then woke up roasting like a chicken! I didnt even know it was possible to sweat that much! Every single spot of my body was sweating, and it felt like I was bathing in warm, soft waves! It was sooooo relaxing and beautiful! After 40 minutes of roasting I had a cool amazing shower and then a chat to the lovely lady about my experience and all sorts. And got half price off the treatment just cause she liked me! greatness!

I felt like a new person as I was leaving the place. Was met by beautiful cool autumn winds, dancing leaves and a smily Rosita baking Applecinnamon and sticky chocolate muffins! yummiieee!! The evening pretty much went by in a daze. The kupol experience relaxed me so much that I actually got QUIET! Felt totally harmonious and peaceful and totally happy to just sit and listen to music, knit and sniff the autumn winds!

Later on Rositas amazing friend Emil came over, as we had decided to have  alittle knitting evening. Rosita made a beautiful tasty dinner, and we then cosied up in different corners of the flat, listened to the knittiesoundtrack ROsita had created and knitted to our heart's content! Niceful! And then I fell asleep, as always. Whilst Rosita and Emil knitted and chatted. It felt a bit like when your parents had friends over when you were little and you fell asleep on a sofa or something listening to grownup talk. Warm, fuzzy conversation, calmness and stuff you didnt really had to listen to or undertstand... I am literally reverting back to a five year old over here!

More to come darlings! Miss you all!


  1. Härligt A-K jag vill också livsnjuta och sticka, vill se dina loppsfynd. BILD. kom hit snart

  2. Fian!!! Ja vet, härlit va!? DU kan ochså sticka och sprudla, jag hjälper och visar vägen när ja kommer ti hesa! tycker om dig vi ses snart! kram!
