Sunday 15 January 2012

Sunday Blues bite my ass!

Sunday- and the sunday blues is far far away on the horizon, so far I think it won't be able to catch me at least this week. Bliss. Last Sunday was a pretty deep pit of Sunday blues mixed with other negative feelings. Since I am unemployed I am not quite sure why I would have the sunday blues anyways, but I guess years of working and studying with normal 5 days a week- weekend- 5 days a week rhythm does leave marks in you.

However, this Sunday feels suprisingly productive and good. I was in a good mood when I woke up, pretty well rested, after a pretty good evening at work. We had a live band playing irish & celtic music last night, and they were great, really really good. It liften the generally good saturday mood to an even better level, and at one point (pretty late, so the otherwise often quite reserved finns had gotten quite drunk and larry by this time) I almost thought I was in a proper old irish pub, cause everyone was clapping and cheering along with the music. Always fun to work when people are in a good festive mood and there's music to bop along to...

(Also, as a little whisper; the seemingly random pictures in this entry are not actually random at all, they are found doing one of my favourite things; google image searching on a particular key word or phrase ans checking what random stuff you find...Crack the nut of what I actually google searched and you will win...well, I don't actually know, haven't thought of it yet, but let's say crack the nut and you can suggest the prize!)

Overall it's been a good week. It's been a hectic week, which can be both good and bad in Anna-Karin Universe. Plans, schedules and things to do=good. Plans, schedules and things to do (which feel meaningless, or which I am unmotivated to do)=bad. This week has been a bit of a mix of the two, so it has generally been good. Plus that I have actually managed pretty well to get into better sleeping, eating (that bit's been REALLY good, I've been eating like a horse all week and am finally getting my muffintop silouette back [aka the two bit's of 'backfat' which sticks out on top of your jeans-lining]! woop woop!), nondrinking and less smoking habits, so I've been pretty pleased with myself. That I actually feel a lot better, more rested, healthier, happier and calmer is an obvious plus as well!

Been some ups and downs of the past week, but hey who hasn't got ups and downs in life? And especially, who hasn't got ups and downs pretty much on a weekly basis living in a dark, cold climate? So, I'm not overanalysing that bit too much. I'm really happy to have the cats living at mine, they are absolutely adorable! Wierd and excentric yes, but superb cats! I just love their random noises (except Simba's screaming at 8.00AM when I have been working until 2.30 and go to bed around 4, then I WAS pretty close to wanting to kill him), that they want to be cuddled all the time, their purring, Leiha's paw-poking and Simba's two legged dance when he wants attention. Ah, lovely old kitties! Their energylevel suits me perfect as well, as they're pretty old theyre not superplayful and want to run around like crazy all the time, but they like sleeping, chilling and cuddling - just like me.

So Sunday morning kicked off with a loooong cat-chill-session; one cat curled up on my chest, and one cat curled up by my side, duvet, blanket and loads of pillows, plus calming Eva Dahlgren singing to all the three of us. Bliss, theres nothing quite like curling up in bed when it is cold outside and knowing that you can sleep or nap for as long as you like. Then having two purring cats right next to/on you is just a megabonus!(:

So we catnapped for a while, but then I decided to properly get the sunday started to I got up, dressed, tidied up my two rooms (I love having a small place when it comes to cleaning), got some coffee ready, had a morning cigarette/reading session, and then did something as uncustomary as baked a cake! A vegan cake even! Simple reason was I had no breakfast. And no cakes. And no cookies. And no chocolates. And pretty much an empty fridge. BUT I had ingredients to a slightly altered vegan cake! Simples, cake it is! Lacked a few ingredients, so I improvised as I usually do, and ended up with a chocolate-hazelnut-coconut-coffee cake, which actually is bloody delicious! (thing was, I had a little milk, but not enough, but had a lot of milk in my coffee, so I thought 'Sod it, and poured in my big cup of coffee in the mixture, and then splashed in some soyacream as well....Cooking/baking ala A-K...)

Just about when the cake was done Heidi, Matias and Kevin came by to say hello to me and the cats, so we had a nice half hour or so of chatting and running after cats and trying to pat them(: Leiha and Simba are the world's frendliest and cuddliest cats, but I haven't met many cats so far which are very fond of little people (alias children) wanting to love them. Bless, Kevin SO wanted to hug them, but Simba was megafreaked out by his keen little hands, so he tried to hide best he could. Leiha was a little more chilled, but did also hide behind my table as soon as she could. Poor Kevin just wanted to hug and cuddle, he was so cute when Simba actually stopped for a while (pretty unwillingly) to be patted, and Kevin put his cheek to Simbas back and his arms around him! After that incident Simba pretty rapidly escaped to the hallway, and stayed there until the three strangers had dissapeared.....Oh kids and animals, how they warm my heart!

After Heidi, Matias and Kevin had left Malin and Maija came to mine, and we went out for a long walk in the lovely winter weather, cold but no wind or snow. I have missed going for long strolls with my sister, we used to do that a lot when we still lived at home, or when we were at home visiting. There's just something special about long strolls, and the conversations you have during them.... And when our cheeks were a little too cold and rosy we walked to our parents to wait for homedelivery of food! mmm. Mamma had picked up indian food for the four of us (Maija had to settle with milk, 2and so months old as she is...) so we had a lovely yummie Sunday lunch together...

And that has pretty much caught up to this very moment, at my parents, chilling with a small glass of vino tinto, about to kick my ass into jobseeker-mode and write my application for a job which expires tomorrow. So, one more productive thing today, and then I am properly get into Sunday chill mode, with another glass of red I think.

Good Sundays to you Folks!

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