Saturday 21 January 2012

vilsevals turns Cat Blog - getting the catdrug out of my system

 Ok, being a new pet'owner' is not easy for anyone- it's a little bit like having children, without the pain, the extreme responsibility for the rest of your life and that someone is utterly dependent on you. Actually, getting two pensioner cats is nothing like having children when I come to think of it...

What I WAS going to draw paralells to having children is that you can't seem to get enough of your new pet/child. You become slightly crazy in love with them at first, and talk about them nonstop, take pictures of them, take pride in them. Feeling this way about your children is obviously perfectly sane and good and i wish that all kids would be their parent(s) apple of their eye. And I guess it's good that/when people feel this way about their pets too, because out of this wierd lovefeeling you feel  comes a need to protect, to nurture and to look after. And again, if all people would feel that way about their pets/animals in general we would have a lot less shit (ie. animaltorture and murder) in the world.

POINT IS (this is taking a while I know, I haven't had a cup of coffee yet and is always a bit unfocused then...) that I have become a crazy cat lady. I talk about 'my' cats all the time, I post pictures of them, I have noticed that this blog has all of a sudden pretty much become a cat blog. My friends ask me 'how are the cats?' after asking how I am. I talk to them (the cats) all the time, coo with them, tell them off, just have little conversations with them (such as 'so Simba, what do you think we should have for dinner, pasta or rice?' 'Leiha u silly sausage, u can't be lying on TOP of my laptop, I can't work then...silly cattie...'). We are still in the getting to know each other phase, which means that everything they do (everything positive) is amazing. Simba sighed really loudly the other day, and I thought it was hilarious, and I have always loved Leiha's little soft paw in your face when she wants attention.

Oh monkeys, bless 'em. One thing though - If I ever, and I mean EVER, say that I will create a Facebook account for my cats - Please shoot me there and then, ON THE SPOT! no mercy! (and then take care of my cats...)

(theory is I'll write about them for an entire entry, maybe then I will get bored and start talking about more adult blog interesting subjects...)

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