Monday 10 October 2011

My Talanted Friends - Mina Begåvade Vänner - About Pride - Om Stolthet

I love being proud of people, I think it's a really good emotion, and I think people are far too little proud, and take too little pride in themselves and others these days. To me pride is acknowledging my own and my friends/family members skills and abilities. And that to me is both loving, respectful and wise. It's about acknowledning that we are all good at something. We don't have to be best, smartest, most original, quickest, most creative etc etc etc - but we are all good, bloody good I would even say, at something!

It's just a case of finding what you are good at, and accepting that even though you might not be the best, you are good. And that's enough. Good is good enough. And accept failure. Failure is part of life, and without failure we would all be perfect and arrogant and horrible people. So don't see failure as a blow, see it as an opportunity to improve and learn new things. Failure is not failure, giving up is failure.

It has taken me 26 years to accept failure, to be able to take criticism, and to stop being such a bloody perfectionist all the bloody time. But hey it's nice when you finally get it!! Its never too late to lower your own expectations and demands on yourself, regardless if you're 7, 12, 29 or 87. Just do it. You wont regret it.

So that said, I want to celebrate the greatness of my friends, relatives and people that I have got to know along the way. And I want to point out, you are ALL brilliant, clever and wonderful people (I don't have any unbrilliant friends, so trust you me that you are brilliant!) - you might not all have chosen paths which make you have links etc which I can show off here - which mean that you are no less brilliant or loved or respected, you just do it in another way. And I would also have to make the longest blog entry IN THE WORLD if I would mention you all, so to spare people from eye and brain aches I will just mention a few brilliant examples of people I know that I am proud of. Let's get cracking!

Mo yo 
Is really my wonderfully talanted, emphatic and brilliant ex-housemate Hassan! He's a totally awesome dude, who plays the Tabla like a dream, and is also a cracker at making tea (not what he is most famous for, but nonetheless important in my world). He has recently started making own music under the name Mo yo, and I am eagerly awaiting the first album!! Also, Mo yo/Hassan, if you are interested I will be your finnish manager, I know loads of people in music in my little town and aroundabouts, so I could sort out little gigs easy as pie. It would not make you rich and famous quite yet, but hey Finland might be an interesting market?
So- Check out Mo yo's three first songs below; 

Elin Westerlund/ Teater Nya Rampen
Elin is my extremely talanted, cultural and amazing friend who I have known for years and been best friends with for about 13 years. Elin is disturbingly hard working, she is the kind of person who will work throughout the night, and actually enjoy it! And hey I don't blame her, she has found something she loves doing, and something she is super bloody good at, so well done her! Personally as a friend I would say 'Elin chill the h*ll out sometimes and stop being so hard working, chill out, have a cup of tea and TURN THE phone/laptop OFF', but friendship is seperate from work. So in a work sense I say she is absolutely marvellous! She is the producer of the very talked about theatre collective Nya Rampen, a finnishswedish experimental and creative theatre group, who push boundaries of both theatre, human nature and our 'commonsense' understandings, reactions and emotions. Please check them out, they will be BIG!

Fia Nylund
Except being one of my best and craziest friends, and actually working professionally as a Lilla My, Fia is also a supertalanted and creative Director, who hardly even graduated before she started getting prices left right and centre! (my friends are so damn gooooood!!). Luckily Fia is the kinda person who will never get big headed. I mean she IS big headed, she has this massive amazing fluff of a hair which makes me happy as I can always spot her in a crowd, but in the bigheaded sense of being arrogant and shitty - That's just not Fia! She was making awesome films already when she was studying, and she has continued doing brilliant stuff both personally and professionally. The link below will enable you to see some of her videos! I abosolutely adore 'Takt', but they are all extremely clever in their own ways!

One of the best things with Alex is that she is undefinable, so I won't even try to define her by putting labels on her such as 'artist', 'poet', 'queer fighter' etc etc. The fact is she is all of the mentioned, and so many other things, so I will let her define herself. However, she is amazing, absolutely amazing. She has a rare talent and humanity which is so honest, raw and emotional. I love the political message in all her art, but also how it is so mixed up with a message of love which is bigger than anything else. Love, respect and honesty is what I interpret as her main message and driving force, but again, I don't want to define her or her art for her, so what I say instead is - EXPERIENCE IT! Allow yourself to succumb to it and get a verbal and emotional kick in the face by her art! Stand at least 20 minutes in front of every painting/piece, and just let yourself try to understand what she wants to say - you won't regret it! I don't have a good uptodate link to Alex work or blog, but check out the below. Also, if you live in/close to Jakobstad you can hurry up and get yourself down to After Eight, and see her exhibition until the end of this month! Hurry hurry!

In addition, loads of my friends share their talants, skills, personalities and abilities in their blogs, so check out the following - a few examples;



Elin (personal blog)


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