Saturday 15 October 2011

The piece born out of Anger, Hurt, Confusion, Frustration and Grief

You may remember from an earlier blog entry that I mentioned I had an idea how to get rid of my anger, that I was going to create something out of that anger, sadness, confusion and frustration. Well, I did. And this is the result.

The process was extremely interesting, as it started off as a ventilation of my anger and hurt over being 'rejected', but then got its own life and brought in my anger over being treated in particular ways because I am a woman, nonstraight, atheist, vegetarian, young, middle class etc etc. Just all the anger I have been bottling up for years and probably all my life. Oh damn was it nice to just let go of it all!

I started the day with a whole saucepan of sweet, milky and spicy chai tea, and some cigarettes to get the creative juices flowing....

Then I changed into more comfortable clothes (i.e. a nightie) and got cracking on the back of one of my sister's paintings, using printed out pictures (mine and google's), a shitload of erikeeper (glue), ribbon, pens, my friend's illustrations etc etc...literally anything which I had available and which made sense!

4 hours later, one WHOLE erikeeper tube later I was done. happy, tired, angered out, and just really really pleased and proud of the result! Now I know what to do next time I am angry! And creating this 'piece' cost me nothing in material sense, everything was stuff I already had at home... It now adorns my wall in my room and will follow to my new flat when I get one

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