Sunday 16 October 2011

What will I have to do to get Your Vote? Fjällräven Polar 2012

Good evening/Good night/ Good morning,

I will soon start blogging normal blog entries as well, but this early on in the application process it is extremely important to get as many votes as possible, so I will just say, please please (pretty please) go into the link below, watch my video and vote for me for Fjällräven Polar 2012.

This is what I promise if you vote for me;
 1. If I get elected to take part I will experience and enjoy the five days with every fibre of my being, going in for it with 100% of my energy and dedication
2. I will try not to bore the other expedition members to death with my endless talking
3. I will give the others a break by talking to the dogs sometimes
4. I will give the dogs a break by talking to the trees sometimes
5. I my counsellor sometimes if the trees get bored?
6. I will be excited every morning I wake up in my tent, and I won't complain even if I am cold, need a pee and am hungry! Promise!
7. I will hopefully experience the Northern Light and get loads of pictures for you to enjoy on the blog later
8. I will share all my political/hippie/queer ideas and views to the other members of the team/dogs/trees! (lucky them?)
9. What else? What do you want me to do? Comment and I will respond as to whether I promise it or not...

Thanks, so go in and vote at;

Thank you!

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