Friday 11 November 2011

November Cleaning: going through pictures at the computer, and marvelling, laughing and sighing at lost times

Having an inventory day today, kind of a clear out day. I have so far gone through my entire massive email inbox, which took hours cause it awoke so many memories. So many beatiful old emails, so many painful ones, happy ones, sad ones, goddamn angry ones (yes one or two, believe it or not). So much braveness and littleness and well, yeah just a lot of everything as is customary with me in da HOUSE!

Then I started looking through pictures I have saved at/to the computer out here, and there was a LOT of random stuff, this is just a small selection...

 A picture of two of my bestbest in the world friends; Mr. Kimbles and Jessface, us three (my arm included) in our most customary poses; with blush in hand and happy smiles. Oh yeah, and at Mahiki...

 Well this is an interesting one. I met this Jakobstadman after Juthbacka Marknad, and he was so proud of the doll he had purchased (in his pocket). It was an odd night which got just a bit odder when we went out to smoke and he happily posed with the doll, as I said I just had to blog about it (he agreed to it) Love the randomness!

 Just bloody brilliant! 'nough said! From the net of the inter

 Oh Eccleston, massive crush on you always and forever! just look at the noooose!

 The wonderful and talanted Malin Ahlin's work. Visit her website on:
 Buy some prints, they are amazing in real life too! (even better, and they are goddamn good already on her blog!)

 Hahahaha, I LOVE IT!

 A picture I made for my two darlings Kims and Jess, a blue and rainy monday morning(:

 Susan Sonntag in a bear suit!! It is just soooo good!!! <3

 rubberface Anna

 Stockholm 2010, when I met so many lovely people! hej hej Linda, Miina och Daniel! Hej hej a-k med gul rosett!

 hahaha, only with Michelle! But this actually has a normal explanation. This drunk guy was a dick all night, kept touching Michelle even though both she and I swore at him and told him to dissapear, so when we left and he was drunkenly having a nap at a car we decided to have some objectifying fun of our own (note; we did not actually touch him, only airhump him! with all do respect Sir!)

 yes, I gave blood!

 No explanation needed- B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L

 Summer 2010: Sofia and I were pink/purple, and I had short hair and skinny arms

 summer 2010, our old balcony


Hej Alex!

Non Smoking Update: almost 24 hours without nicotine now and still going (kinda) strong! Woop woop never thought I could do it!

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