Thursday 17 November 2011

Closing time on bullshit

Closing Time. Closing time for a lot - I am sick of accepting things which I think are wrong. I have always been a strong willed and strongminded person - but not (generally) to other people's detriment. I have generally been pretty good with telling my opinion amongst strangers, but felt that it was difficult to tell my most loved ones what I thought was wrong with our relationship/ their actions / their words etc.

However, since I have started trying to always be conscious of my own actions and words I have also become very much aware of the actions, opinions and sentiments of other people. Especially when it comes to friends.

Friendship to me is a holy unity. It is the oasis in the world of storms and chaos and hurricanes. The world where you are safe, sound and accepted. Questioned sometimes, yes - that is only healthy. Sometimes the thing you need most is to explain yourself or your actions. But always accepted. And you know that what you tell is kept secret. THAT is so very sacred to me. Because that if anything means that I can trust you. That I never have to make myself a bigger better more perfect person that I am - but that I can be just the little, strong, big, scared, silly and imperfect Anna-Karin that I am. Just an imperfect person amongst all other imperfect souls.

And if that isn't the most Holy thing in Life, than what is?

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