Saturday 26 November 2011

Oh the wonderful world of stats - just a tiny one

So, I like checking out who, why and what people actually read on my blog- what goes down well, what doesn't etc etc.

Since you are so bloody crap (no offence, but you are!) at commenting on my entries, checking out the stat function on blogspot is often the only way to tell what is read often, where readers come from etc.

I ESCPECIALLY love reading what keywords people have surfed when finding their way to my blog, it is sometimes the randomest of things. This week's faviourite is the following;

"and I swore at him and told"

[it will speak for itself, all I can say is- whoever you are anonymous reader, I love You!]

All Ways are Good except the Dumb Ones

I am learning so much from living in a little house on my own, and especially in a very very old wooden house. Thus I have taken the very clever saying 'all ways are good except the dumb ones' into daily use- it pretty much sums up my daily activity and life ethos at the moment.

1. Emptying the ash from the fire in a red coat, in heavy wind - Dumb (Life lesson; always wear the black coat and not good jeans/leggings/trousers and shoes when emptying the ash)

2. Always be very very careful with the fire, spjäll (whatever heck that is in english, basically the ventilation 'stick' you have on fireplaces that you have to always make sure to have open when lighting a fire, or else you will most likely die of carbonoxide poisoning sooner than you can count to 1000 [and with my concentration span quicker than I could count to 10...)] - Good & Clever

3. When you have set yourself good and constructife 'life rules', such as never allowing your own or anyone elses mobile phone or laptop into your bedroom, STICK TO THEM - Very very good, and I have got into brilliant habits with this one, and stuck to them like glue

4. Don't try to hang up a painting using a pin for a nail and a cup for a hammer, it just won't work - Slightly Dumb, but more inventive (Life Lesson; get yourself some tools like a proper organised woman! - and I(pappa) got myself some tools!)

5. If you haven't got it- invent/make it! - Very Clever, moneysaving and green (so far I have made my own stock, toiletpaper holder, kitchen roll holder, 'no commercial please' sign, door sign, flavoured coffee and so on and so on...)

6. If a bright orange glove on a doorknob with a big paper stuck to it with tape, works as a reminder to check the stove/oven/fire place before leaving the house, USE IT! - very very good

7. Hanging up a massive decorative star using only tape just won't work - slightly dumb, but more optimistic I would say (Life lesson; get yourself some stronger tape!)

8. Using the internet at libraries, internetcafe's/bars/pubs, at friends houses is both economic, time saving and more fun - Very Good (I love not having the internet as a distraction at home, but it has made me a slight hermit, and I now pretty much loathe the mobile phone ringing/beeping even. I am still very sociable, but when I am in my house I dislike being disturbed by my phone. Visitors are fine and even super welcome, but trying to get me on my mobile....not too keen on that one...)

I could go on forever and ever, but I won't bore you too much.

Basically, what I am trying to say is that I absolutetely LOVE living in my little old house, I love living on my own for the first time ever, and I love everything about my little beautiful house.

Now come Sunday and my big public moving in day Shenanigans. I have invited so many people I have no idea how they will actually fit into my ONE socialisation room...Hmm...maybe I should hope they don't all turn up at the same time, or that some people don't mind standing in the garden looking in through a window?...Ah, we'll sort that out some way or another, as we say in swedish ' Finns det hjärterum så finns det stjärterum' (something like 'if there is room in the heart there is room for the butt'), and there is indeed plenty of room in my heart and in my Sunshine Home- so Welcome!

Cheers and Merry Little Christmas! [finnishswedish thing we celebrate last saturday of November, by giving each other little gifts and kicking of the prechristmas season! woooopidoooopie!]

Sunday 20 November 2011

Sunshine House is MINE!

So, Anna Sun has moved into Anna's Sunshine Home! I am so god damn happy!!!

Saturday was spent moving ALL day (yes, with a ligament inflammated shoulder, 4 hours of sleep in the sleep account and a goddamn cold with a capital C), but finally, thanks to a lot of help from Mamma & Pappa I was in around 3-4ish in the afternoon.

This is the first time since I was 19 that I have ALL my things under one roof. And more so - this is the first time EVER that I have all my things under MY roof! And damn does it feel good!!


Woke up at 7.00Am this morning, after working a late shift and closing the bar. Got up, wandered around my 32 square mater, and then lit a fire. It did take me about 4 go's to get it started, but it worked in the end! So I sat down at my tiny kitchen table, had some brekkies, listened to the fire roaring, and then went back to bed.

Bliss to wake up at 12 (!! so late!), and the entire house was warm as an oven glove. Putting my wooly socked feet sqarely on the floor, greating the morning (well day) and get up with so much enegy, positivity and happiness to make my very first cuppa in my own house!!

I am bloody extatic, I have needed this so much. For so long. My very own house, my rules, my times, my habits. And I need to be on my own to fix myself. To get rid of the shit things I have created; patterns, habits, addictions and other things. And I am already starting softly to sort them out, neither mobile phone NOR laptop will ever get their way weaseled into my bedroom, it is a holy sanctury for only sleep, meditation, quiet contemplation and very much selected invited company.

AND IT IS SO NICE NOT TO BE AVAILABLE ALL THE TIME! No internet so far, and I think maybe for ever. I might consider getting a little dongle thing so that I can hook up to the net when I need to, but I think I might just use the internet as I am now - at my work place or my friends places or work places. We will see....

But right now I am enjoying the...


peace out lovers! One Love / Syster Sol

Friday 18 November 2011

A 'lil Homage to Youtube - The wierd, the wonderful and some of the favourites!

Oh the wierd and wonderful things you find on Youtube! These are some of the random favourites that have come in my way of one or other reason:

I searched with the key words 'rosita kärlek' to find a video to post to my friend Rosita, this is what I found on top - WTF???? But I have found a new her - Dubbel-Erik! A true scandinavian and inspiration!

Key words; 'David Panda'

Key words; 'arg panda'

KW: 'Panda angry'

Can't remember what I looked for, but I found this GEM!

She's definately NOT stupid!

I DIE! So mjuk and so prickly at the same time!

8. For Kim only
9. Funny drunk serbian man, I love how he's trying to drink the alchometer!(:


10. The.Best.Thing.on.Internet.Ever!
11. Key words; 'Finland'...

I simply love this song!

This just came to me, and I love it because I am called Anna in England, and I have a sunshine house, and my hippie name is Syster Sol (sister sun)! And it's a great song!

14. I love that Lady Gaga is not scared of being ugly or wierd- It makes her SO beautiful!
15. This has been a youtube favourite for YEARS! Since the early London days!

Harvey Milk - one of my BIGGEST heroes no doubt! Amazing and inspirational man and human being. R.I.P

One HELL of a public speaker and fellow Human Being- He is so proud, so inspirational, so eloquent. One of my alive Heroes.

I am a sucker for pretty much anything promoting Anti-Homophobia

Wonderful clever kids!

Sobeatiuncaskcmalfklanjcnald,aöcmals (yes, something along the lines)

That Old Fox Gnarls always sneaks in one way or other...this is my absolute fav!


I know you've never really listened to a woman.....

Oh - you think it's all about you? Well, what can I say? If you think it is about you there is probably a reason for it. Either A.) it is really about you or B.) yes, do I need to say more? You think a song named 'Narcissus' is personally selected by lil'old me to post on my blog, with you in my mind, just to piss you off?

That says more about you than me doesn't it? Maybe a tiny bit of a big headed ego thing going on there Mr? And no need asking me about it, cause I'll refuse to admit who it's really about anyway.

Space for evil laughter. Sometimes messing with people's heads is underestimated. Sometimes it is healthy cause it makes people think outside their gooddamnlittle shoebox of mind.

And as long as we think we are.

It's all in your mind anyway so do whatever hell you like with it.

Kind and loving regards,

Anna-Karin previously hippie, today militant antitant

Thursday 17 November 2011

Closing time on bullshit

Closing Time. Closing time for a lot - I am sick of accepting things which I think are wrong. I have always been a strong willed and strongminded person - but not (generally) to other people's detriment. I have generally been pretty good with telling my opinion amongst strangers, but felt that it was difficult to tell my most loved ones what I thought was wrong with our relationship/ their actions / their words etc.

However, since I have started trying to always be conscious of my own actions and words I have also become very much aware of the actions, opinions and sentiments of other people. Especially when it comes to friends.

Friendship to me is a holy unity. It is the oasis in the world of storms and chaos and hurricanes. The world where you are safe, sound and accepted. Questioned sometimes, yes - that is only healthy. Sometimes the thing you need most is to explain yourself or your actions. But always accepted. And you know that what you tell is kept secret. THAT is so very sacred to me. Because that if anything means that I can trust you. That I never have to make myself a bigger better more perfect person that I am - but that I can be just the little, strong, big, scared, silly and imperfect Anna-Karin that I am. Just an imperfect person amongst all other imperfect souls.

And if that isn't the most Holy thing in Life, than what is?

Wednesday 16 November 2011

This Summer/Autumn/Winter I've been mostly eating...

Unlike Jesse, I have NOT been eating mostly chicken. On the other hand, I HAVE been eating (and mostly making) this;

Finland summer July-August 2011:

Sweden Tour - September 2011:

 Finland October - November 2011: