Thursday 9 February 2012

Thoughts about grandmoms and cakes

I have eaten so much cream, jam, marzipan and sugar the last two days that I should be hyperactive like on speed. On the contrary I am actually very very sleepy, and have been so for the last 3 days. Have slept like a baby, despite the full moon, and fallen asleep whilst reading, doing yoga exercises and pretty much any time I have been lying horizontally. Not sure if it's the cold I've got (but I feel pretty ok except the excessive sleeping and a runny nose...) or if my body is just telling me it needs a LOT of sleep right now. Whatever it is I am listening to the body and giving in to the sleep cravings, I've been doing 10-11 h sleeping sessions the last two nights, BLISS!

A little thought I've been having- is it something genetic, innate which makes grandmom's want to feed their grandchildren half to death?
-'Here is your first grandchild'
-'Great, I will put some coffee on and get the entire house storage of cookies, cakes, buns, sweets out for him/her. Oh and there's sandwiches! And limsa! Oh, he/she can't chew yet? Maybe we can put some cookie in a glass of milk to make it soft enough for a pre-teether?'

I obviously can only speak of my own experience, and about my two grandmoms, but damn they were/are good feeders! Regardless of how old/young, thin/not thin anyone was, it was always time for CAKE! And other eadible items! And one serving is never ever enough, it is practically an insult! No at least two or three of each kind, then you might be off the hook for a little while - until it is time to go home, because then you have to bring something with you! At least some cookies! Or half a cake. Or maybe some sandwiches? Or if my grandmom has made anything vegetarian for me/my brother; 'take this cause I won't eat this grass!' (anything vegetarian is automatically grass in my grandmom's eyes..)

This has meant that food has always been equated with love for me. Love, consideration, caring. Making sure no one goes hungry, making sure everyone at least is as happy as you get of a full belly. And overfull? That must mean extrahappy! I don't think I ever (maybe once, but it is a rare occasion) have left my grandmom's house without a bag of goodies of varying form. Even if I have come for a surprise visit and she thus hasn't had time to buy 10 different kinds of goodies to offer. Bless grannys!

Did a granny-visit yesterday with my parents, which made me think of the granny-feeding issue...I came home mega overfull after eating sandwich and then far too many fastlagsbullar. I had the yearly dilemma of deciding if I should have one with jam OR marzipan (they should all have both!), and whilst grandmom's suggestion of 'Having both!' sounded tempting I gathered my senses and split them in half and had two halves instead. Plus some gingerbread. Plus some liqurice. Plus some more gingerbread. I felt like a giant fastlagsbulle ready to roll out of the door.

Grandmom wasn't too pleased with our poor eatingattempts, so she packed the remaining fastlagsbullar, toffeecakes and cream/icing cakes with me. Plus two jars of olives. Plus a bottle of Glögg. I stopped her short of packing down a fur boa scarf as well. REAL FUR. I love my grandmom to bits, but she doesn't quite get the whole vegetarian-not wearing leather-not wearing fur thing I have had going on for the last 13 years.

At least I know now where my love of giving comes from, with two grandmom's who have always wanted to give away things to make people happy it would be odd if I wouldn't at least have a little bit of that in me.

Blogging whilst eating a series of sticky cakes is not a genious idea- I now have an increadibly sticky laptop mouse pad, but hey doesn't matter in the long run, cause I am sugerhigh with a happy belly;

Long live grandmoms!

Please note that the grandmom in the picture is not MY grandmom, it is just an anonymous internet-granny with a BIG BIG cake. Bless, look at the granny in the background, she's loving the moment!

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