Tuesday 21 February 2012

“He respects Owl, because you can't help respecting anybody who can spell TUESDAY, even if he doesn't spell it right.” [A. A. Milne]

What a Yellow Tuesday!! (good things are mostly yellow - the sun, easter [time off too see all friends who are home], saffron, tulips, my house etc etc...) Cracking as we would say in London!

Woke up feeling so and so...I've been hibernating for two days in absolute misery, felt like absolute shit and had neither motivation, energy nor inspiration to get out of bed (neither had anything I really needed to do which would have got me out of bed), so except for feeding the cats and a few wake moments I pretty much didn't leave bed for two days. TWO DAYS. Enought to drive most people insane. I didn't even know I had the ability to sleep so much!

But hey, it helped! I got so bored and sick on being in my own head, and just seeing negative and crap things in my life that I just out of spite of myself got up at a reasonable time this morning, made a 'to do list' (not that I had much on it, just as a point really...) and had good, healthy breakfast....

..and noticed that the sun was shining! Amazing sunshine! Spring sunshine! And I decided it was gonna be a good day. And that if something shitty or negative happened it would STILL be a good day. Being stubborn is a good trait sometimes.

Got dressed in flowers, ribbon in my hair, colourful bag and bling earrings- all to put myself in an as positive and optimistic mood as possible. And as I was getting ready my dear friend Sofia called, and suggested coffee chill at Heidi's - which sounded like an absolutely brilliant idea for a sunny Tuesday! Got to enjoy the sunshine as I was waiting for her to pick me up, and it felt like the first day of actualy spring sunshine! It warmed both my face, my mood and my heart!

We wisked off to the supermarket to buy some newly baked, fluffy Fastlagsbullar, and went to Heidi's who made some coffee and had a blueberry cake fresh out of the oven. Oh heaven for friends and chilled coffee sessions! I forget sometimes how much an hour or so of chatting, laughing, remenising over old memories, sharing new stories and giggling over silly things can make wonders for the mood! I have such amazing people in my life, and I am so so happy you're with me in thick and thin (also when I am a grumpy git...)!

 met this cutie in the snow as well!

Went into town in the hunt for a new diary, as I have just finished one, and have the exestential angst I always have when finishing a diary (in about a month...) and am trying to find a new one! I am exceptionally picky as I am an obsessive diary writer, and the diary has to be just right, otherwise the diary and I will have a shitty relationship and I won't feel able to write freely and creatively in it...And look look, the Tuesday's just getting better and better- I found this beauty, which I think might be a gooden! (I even found it in the first shop I went into, AND it didn't break the bank!)

(= It is always too early to give up)

So, content with the day already my friend Jay called and suggested we would get my hair cut, something we've discussed for months but never got around to actually fitting a day which suited both of us. But today was the day, and one kilo of hair and 40 minutes later I had a brilliant new haircut! For an amazing price as well! Can't get much better than that! And he managed what many hairdressers have failed- to cut my hair exactly how I wanted it, with a little bit of extra suggestions which made it even better than I would have thought! I don't think I will ever be able to style it as nice as he styled it, as I am a bit of a looser when it comes to using hairstraightners for curling/flicking hair, but hey it looks bloody good tonight at least! 

AND (sorry it continues, stop reading now if you are already gagging of the unusual large amount of positivity in this entry...) my dear dear mother decided to buy me this spring's first tulips! Two amazing yellow-red stripy bouquets, just to brighten my day! So now I have beautiful flowers to rest my eyes on as well over the next few days, to remind myself that yes spring IS coming! It might be slow, a little at a time, but it is indeed coming! yey!

 yellow's the team of the day

I was feeling so pleased with the outcome of the day that I even decided to make dinner (sounds like quite a normal thing to do, but I've been eating sandwiches and youghurt for two days straight..), which turned out really really yummie, a roast rootvegetable thing with garam masala, sambal oyelek, sweet chili, balsamic vineagar and curry! Warming for both soul and belly.

whoever says veggie food is boring - eat your words!

So yeah, nothing to complain about really. I might be unemployed, poor, single and have some dried up cat puke on the carpet behind my desk (just realised it as I was plugging in the power socket...)- but I also have amazing people around me, a good haircut (yes that CAN do wonders!) and a pretty great life overall. So with that realisation and thought I'm over and out.

[If you're wondering about all the UK hip hop in this entry - I just felt in a London hiphop mood tonight, and then Dizzee, Roots Manuva and Jamie T are clear favourites to pick out of the hat...]

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