Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Catpuke - better than any alarm in the world

Tuesday morning 6.00AM; Simba wakes me up with his excessive superloud meowing right next to my ear, and when I manage to open my eyelids he is sitting right next to my head, staring at me intently. Slightly wierd start to the day. I tried to tell him to shut up and go back to sleep, with the result that he started circling my head, walking over/threading in my hair. Wonderful. I had a sudden urge to throw the cat out in the snow, but I gathered myself and crawled out of bed to feed him. Turns out he HAS food and woke me up for god knows what reason! So I curse him and went back to bed. Blissful warm bed. Simba starts eating and I am slowly drifting off to sleep, to be abruptly awaken by him puking loudly in the kitchen. Great. I all of a sudden LOVE having cats....

 Simba - the puking lion

So, tip of the week; if you have problems getting up in the mornings - get a 14 year old bulimic earlybird cat, I promise it is more effective than any alarm in the world! And if you can't find one, I can lend you mine (well, my sister's+ sister's hubby's) for a day or two.

I do love the cats really, and had a good cuddle with Simba this afternoon, but being a pet owner does have it's weak points as well.

After that lovely awakening I thought it was no point to go back to sleep (cleaning up soggy and brown catpuke does not cultivate blissful sleeping...), so I got an early morning and start to the day. Had brekkies with my friends in L Word (I am so so obsessed, I have watched it just over a week and I am already almost all the way through series 3. I will be SO sad when I have gone through all the series!), then got organised and dressed and was out of the house already at 10.00AM!

 A bit of L Word mania there for you...

Did my errands on town, had a cup of tea and a chilled letter writing-session at After Eight, and then got home to have some lunch. Squeezed in another episode of L Word before Heidi picked me up for some tea and chat. Then did some more errands and now I am about to make early dinner. So really, thanks to Simba puking I have had a very long and productive day already!

On a completely different note, I long for spring! I know it is far too early to start waiting for spring, and that bla bla I should enjoy winter as long as it lasts and bla bla now it is finally getting lighter and I should go out and play in the snowy sunshine and go iceskating and cross country skiing and bla bla bla...But fact is I don't like winter. I've never liked winter. It makes my skin so dry I get excema. It makes my hair dry as cardbord. My already cold fingers and toes get almost frostbitten as soon as I go out. I moan a lot (I tend to moan a lot, but the cold makes it worse than normally). And I hate outside wintery exercises, always have done. I  am sure cross country skiing and iceskating is something God invented cause he hates Scandinavia, and wanted to give us an appropriate punishment. I can't see any other reason for people putting wooden things on their feet, which makes it even harder to move about, or metal things under your shoes, which will make you slip and break your backbone. Evil sports.

 The first outside cafe' session one spring in London long long time ago when my hair was curly and long
 This is what I'm talking about, spring flowers in abundance!

 I will miss this from English spring; the cherry blossom trees colouring the world pink

 Spring picnics!

But spring, oh spring! Oh when the snow starts melting. Oh when the sunrays actually get WARM. Oh the first day when your coat/jacket is too warm so you have to remove it, and you feel spring inside your cold winter-ridden chest. Oh when the first little flowers blossom. Oh when the birch trees get their first green tiny little babyleaves. Oh when you take your coffee outside rather than having it inside. Oh getting your bike out for the first spring bike ride. Oh switching to spring shoes. I can't wait!
Until then I am drinking extra much tea, trying to get healthy and strong, and trying to sort out my work and financial situation so come spring I can enjoy both cups of tea, perhaps new spring shoes, or maybe even a little weekend spring trip to Europe.

Hasta la Vista!


  1. I'm telling you - mars är underbart! + att jag kommer att vara ledig så vi kan hänga på dagarna. Det kommer att bli underbart, så underbart.

    / Ida

  2. yey Ida, det låter bra det, ser fram emot Mars! <3
