Friday 17 February 2012

The school of life, or realising one's strong and not so strong sides...

Things I have learned in 2012 (hoping this list will keep expanding):
  • When it is minus 27 celsius degrees outside one should make sure that the air vents are properly closed in ones bathroom - otherwise both toilet and shower might well freeze (Me; "oh THAT thing (pointing at the airvent), I didn't know you could close it.....")
  • How to open finnish milk cartons! (might sound stupid but I was properly struggling with these bastards for about half a year. Success!)
  • How to crochet a hat which looks like a showercap
  • When voting, the ink stamp pad is for stamping one's voting ballot, NOT one's hand
  • Sleeping well, eating well and exercising actually DOES make you feel a lot better! (it's never too late to learn)
  •  Quite a lot more about Finnish politics (but still a LOT to learn...)
  • The latin word for ryggskott (Lumbago Acuta) - sadly I also learned how f*cking much it hurts!
  • When the body says sleep - SLEEP! (figured out my body is pretty clever after all, and taking baby steps to actually starting to listen to it..)
  • Having kids would be useful sometimes, especially when you have shitloads of snow on your yard and pretty much nowhere to shovel it anymore (I am thinking free labour force to build a myriad of snow men, as to get rid of the snow, and also a nice way to decorate the yard. And good exercise for the kids!)

Things I still haven't learned in 2012 (but hey, the year is still young!):
  •  To whistle in tune (26 years and counting, so I think this is a mission which will never succeed...)
  • How to crochet a hat which actually looks good enough to use
  • How to brush my teeth without getting a litre of toothpaste on my hand/arm/top/floor (working on it..)
  • The difference between 'navkapslar' and 'fälgar' on car tyres. (Heidi's trying to teach me this a few times a just doesn't stick...)
  • Enjoying winter sports (and I don't think I ever will, or actually want to learn either....)
  • Going into second hand shops and NOT buying things, especially clothes which I don't really need...

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