Friday 10 February 2012

Things I used to miss about Finland/Jakobstad when living in London (a journey through lost times)....

 Summer nights at Puben, always a given! Here with Lina, Kim and Michelle a few years ago

 Summer days drinking coffee and catching up in town with my lovelies!! Soffi & Heidi

 House parties/BBQ's! This summer they ALWAYS included shitloads of Fisu!(: (oh the times when I had really long hair!)

 MAMMA & PAPPA! Escpecially leisurly mornings/ lunches/ dinners outside at the cottage...Summerbliss!

 Getting my shoes off and keeping them off for almost the entire summer holiday. Clean green grass!
 The freshness of wet cold grass after a cool summer night!

 Oh the cottage! Always in my dreams!

 These kind of summernight sights....

 ...and these!


 The very first day of a summer holiday, when taking the boat to the island, and setting my foot onto the jeti for the first time since last year, smelling all the familiar finnish summer smells... walk up towards the cottage, in order to have a little walkabout and see what thousand things my parents have changed/improved since last year

 early summerevenings at the cottage, enjoying a glass of wine with mamma & pappa

 the finnish wild flowers!

 investigating every morning whether there are any new smultron/strawberries to devour!

 The first swim of the summer!....

 ...which is ALWAYS amazing regardless of wheter it's cold or warm!

 my wonderful little grey lady , RIP Linde-darling

 Catching up with friends you only get to see a few times a year, and talking about everything that has happened in the last half year/year/more....Here with Fia, both slightly alcohol intoxicated...

 Holiday Mode= First cooling alcoholic drink on a hot summerday at 12 or so (even 11 is acceptable if it's really really hot...)

 taking little excursions on my own at the cottage. Here a little canoo ride to check out the neighboring islands

 Starting the mornings with a swim! The absolute best way in the world to start a warm summer morning! be continued with breakfast in the sun, slowly drying

 Meeting new additions to the friendship group, which could be new partners or kids...This summer was the first time I met Kevin! <3

 SUMMER FOOD a la Jylhäs!

 Summer afternoon boat rides with mamma & pappa

enjoying slowly cooling off at sea after a really hot day

Karelska Piroger!!

FN-> LBB - Oh the hours we have spent at this old cafe! Here with Lina & Sofia a springtime

 Customary pre-christmas dinners with Sofia, Charren, Heidi....

 ....Soffi & Elin - and then drinks afterwards! a tradition since sixth form...or was it high school?

 cutting down/buying a really small, pathetic little tree. I don't think the Jylhä house has EVER owned a majestic christmas pine tree. We like to ge the sad little buggers with about 10 branches that no one else wants...this is a good example of an extra skinny one...

 The christmas decorations I have seen since I was a child. The little Santa girl used to have an organge scarf, and it was on that I learned to tie a bow many many christmases ago.

 Helping out with christmas preparations! baking gingerbread was generally my favourite!

 Christmas day nights out with beloved friends! This particular christmas day was spent pre-partying at mine, here with Elin, Soffi /& Fia...

 ...and Jenna & Sofia!

 ..Heidi was also there, and this christmas day ended with a bang when I was escorted out of Netti for allegedly "throwing a tray" from the top floor". I am still insulted over this, and still like to point out that I did NOT throw the goddamn tray, I was drunk and butterfingered and placed it uncarefully on the stupid round roulette table, for it to fall over the edge and down onto the floor below. No one was hurt.

 New Year's at Fia's at Gammelklockars! NYE is not NYE if it is not spent at Gammelklockars! Legendary tradition...

Getting new haircuts/perms/colour- Always used to try to get an appointment to my old hairdresser, so I generally had at least one hairchange/holiday. This winter I both permed and cut my hair..

 My siblings! Heidi (überpregnant!) & Malin. That I couldn't seem to find a picture of my brother does not mean he wasn't missed, but that he lived in Åbo and I didn't see him often

 Winterdays at the cottage! We used to almost always have the entire island to ourselves during christmas time, which made christmases at the cottage even more special!

 The cottage in it's winter hibernation...

Pale winterdays...(yes I did enjoy finnish winter then as I only ever had max 2 weeks of it, which is the perfect amount of time!)

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