Saturday 25 February 2012

Sometimes forced positivity and optimism is better than none at all

Sometimes, when you feel totally stuck in negativity, lack of motivation and energy, tiredness and downwards spirals you have to totally flip the coin and look at the other side - the good things in life.

Oh it's hard, and it feels forced a lot of the time, and sometimes it just doesn't work however much you try. But I am still a hard believer in the school of Positive Thought, even though I time and time again get stuck in negative and destructive thought patterns.

My theory is positivity is not just something that comes. It's something you have to work on. Over and over again. And not give up on. Cause I don't think that you will suddenly wake up one morning feeling 'God, here it is, now I am a POSITIVE HUMAN BEING, and nothing bad can ever get me again!'. I think positivity, a little bit like with happiness, is something which comes to you in bursts, after you have practised on them for a long time. Tried things, failed things, tried other things which might work better for you. Learnt a little better what works with you and what does not work with you. And when you find some kind of formula/balance which works with you - practise on keeping it alive!

So, I'm gonna make a little list of things which lifts my spirits, and adds some positivity and happiness to my life (since I also like making lists this is a double positive!);

1. My family - don't know where I'd be without my parents and siblings, and extended family as well. They are my security, sense of belonging and anchoring, support and source of strenght. Besides that they are also amazing, funny, creative and stubborn individuals- which I constantly learn new things from and about

2. My friends - god I don't know where I'd be without you! Amazing strongminded, funny, bubbly, creative, intelligent, emphatic and crazy friends. My really really close friends are all very different, but we are similar in the important aspect of what counts most in friendship - trust, support, honesty, ability to listen, respect, and a lot of laughter and sillyness in between!

3. Music (today's favourite is The Kinks, especially Long tall Sally)

4. Sunshine

6. RAK- Random Acts of Kindness. Small things which break up everyday life and remind you that you are not alone, that the world is not a totally terrible place after all but on the contrary full of other people who just like you might just need a little more positivity and laughter in their lives. I especially love how random acts of kindness have a tendency of multiplying! 

7. Clever street art, grafitti, postering and 'knitting art' with the aim of making people think, or just putting a smile on people's faces

8. Recieving mail (this does not include bills or official mail). Oh the feeling of excitement and happiness when ripping up a handtyped envelope with a handwriting you know!

9. The feeling when completing something which you have been pushing away in your mind for a long time (and oddly enough often realising that it wasn't as bad as you thought, and how much easier it would have been if you just would have done it straight away....but that's another strory..)

10. Overhearing funny/wierd conversations between people you don't know. I am a habitual evesdropper, I love listening in to people's conversations and getting a little insight into their lives that way. It is hilarious the conversations you hear sometimes, and they do tend to put a smile to my face

11. Hugs. Hugs and Hugs. One of the smallest but best acts in everyday life. Love them.

12. Cuddling up in bed with the cats when they are in a good and cuddly mood, bliss!

13. Curling down in bed with the pleasing and warmthgiving feeling that it has been a really good day

14. Realising the simple joys in life, often done so when spending time with small kids as you can learn a lot about enjoying life without thinking too much about it from kids...

15. Signs of spring in winter (even if it's just cultivated tulips on the inside when the snow is blowing outside!)

16. Stimulating, challenging and thoughtprovocing discussions and debate, preferably about feminism/sexuality/equality in general. Nothing livens up the spirit like a good old debate, makes you feel alive!

17. Seeing people who dare to break the mold, in all kinds of ways, clothes, appearence, they way they act or live their lives. There's more than one way to live life and look, and it gives me such a kick when I see people who celebrate diversity and individuality and dare to be different!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand so on. Off to work tonight (soon) so no more time to mull over positivity, just gonna try my best to keep the feeling (rather than purely the thought of it) alive as much as possible!

Hasta la vista!

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