Saturday, 24 December 2011
Julen är vad man gör den - Jul 2011, en alldeles ny men ganska skön Edition
'Firar' en konstig jul i år. Julen är så otroligt symbolisk och familjeorienterad, vilket gör den både till det vackraste nånsin, och det tyngsta nånsin. Den Första julen utan Moffa och Faffa, den Tredje julen utan Fammo.
Fammo som alltid varit, och alltid kommer att vara JulDrottningen. Som pysslade med julklappar hela året runt, köpte små fina saker på reor när hon såg något hon visste att någon skulle tycka om. Som fint strök skrynklorna ur fjolårets julklappspapper och omsorgsfullt och kärleksfullt återanvände dem. Fammo som alltid hade de finaste små sidenbanden, vackra hemskrivna etiketter eller kort. Små personliga klappar var alltid viktiga, och det var viktigt att minnas alla, stora och små, djur och människor. Fammo som med sin varma och kärleksfulla omtänksamhet höll oss alla varma hela året runt med de vackraste hemstickade sockorna. Alla ska ha stickasockor, minsta babysarna och största sönerna, och alla däremellan. Fammo som jag fick brysselkål hos och lärde mig att älska det, och glögg i små små glöggkoppar och pepparkakor på fina små assietter. Fammo. Tänder ett ljus och tänker på dig, har varma fötter tack vare dig.
Faffa som alltid fanns tryggt pysslande och donande funnits i bakgrunden, men ändock ingivit ett rogivande lugn över julstressen. Kokat kaffe, 'Heja Heja't alla som kommit in, hängt upp jackorna och tagit emot presenter, gett vidare åt fammo. Fyllt på med ved i öppna spisen i vardagsrummet för extra värme. Pysslat ihop presentpapprena som kunde flyga lite hit och dit när vi var små och presentpapper bara var ett förhinder för det som var verkligt viktigt- Presenterna. Faffa du delar fammos ljus för ni hör alltid ihop, i minnena, det förgångna och i framtiden. Tänker på dig varje gång jag susar fram på din fina cykel, och varje gång jag ser nåt med skogsanknytning- svampar, bär, barken och nävret på mitt golv från vedklabbarna. Skogen är ditt rätta element.
Moffo oj Moffa. Där fammo och faffa var tryggt och lugnt traditionellt finlandssvenskt julfirande var jularna hos dig och Mommo alltid så mycket svenskare och fartfylldare. En halv dag lugn och en halv dag Tjo, det är så jag minns mina barndomsjular, och jag som älskar extremer tycker att det är Såhär Det Ska Vara. Välkomstdrink, Glögg, Nubbe, Vin till maten, Cognac till kaffet. Mycket skratt, svensk julmusik eller radion på i bakgrunden, men hörs knappt över stojet och sorlet från barnbarn, barnbarnsbarn, barn, hundar, mommos stojande nånstans i köket. Ni hör ihop som socker och salt mommo och Du, två helt olika substanser och naturer, men båda helt och hållet nödvändiga för ett kaotiskt men underbart familjekoncept. Hos er sparas inga julklappspapper, de åker glada, röda och skrynkliga ut med gammal kaffesump, bortglömda juletiketter (ingen minns vad de fick av vem för alla har för mycket skratt och bestyr för sig) - men lika glada är väl vi för det. Och har man tur, riktigt tur, skalderar du en dikt eller två under kvällens lopp. Min favorit var alltid den som handlade om en vacker flicka och gröt, och som skalderades med ett fräckt leende. Och när vi var riktigt små brukade vi få ta del av det tjusiga löstandsklappret på julafton- Oooooh vad roligt men skrämmande på samma gång! Moffa du får ett eget ljus, för du har alltid varit lite för stor och kantig för att dela ett hörn med någon. Du finns på min handled för alltid och det gör mig oändligt glad och stolt.
Men julen ska firas med de levande, utan att glömma de som gått vidare. Spenderade en ytterst stillsam men skönt avslappnande julaftonsmorgon hos Mommos, med mor och far, Michelle, Mommo, Stina och Kari, Johan, Heidi, Björn, Martin och Oskar. Godaste risgrynsgröten och saftsoppa, limpa och salt salt smör. Allt för mycket choklad för tidigt morgon, men hej det är ju julafton bara en dag om året. Mommo utbrister mitt under frukosten betänksamt 'Pappa är lite sned idag va?' och syftar på det stora fina porträttet av Moffa som då hängde bakom pappas rygg. Ingen tycker att kommentaren är konstig eller lustig överhuvudtaget, utan pappa vänder sig om och rättar till Moffa så att han hänger rakt. Moffa finns med i vackra fotona brevid stora lyktan på spiskanten, och som en lugn varm känsla i huset. Jag tolkar tyst åt Michelle på engelska vad som i hela friden egentligen pågår och talas om, hon deltar på ett annat språk, men med samma vördnadsfulla och lugna sömniga julaftonsmorgonskänsla. Känslor är internationella och kräver ingen språkförståelse.
Sitter på golvet med Oskar och lär honom färgerna på tushpennorna. Oskar ritar vackra circlar och konstellationer åt mig, och låter mig till och med delta med hans och mitt namn i ett hörn. Färgerna ska bytas ofta och fort, alla färgerna ska va med. Finaste energiska ljusglimtsunge som får mitt hjärta att brimma över av kärlek och moster- och systerstolthet. Martin så fin i vit skjorta, som vuxit om Stina och stolt och grinande sträcker på sig för att bli extra lång. Grimaserar ivrigt när Gamlamommo frågar om han talar med flickvännen när han egentligen spelar i smyg på sin telefon under bordet. Artigt busig som den fina unge han är.
Sen blir det hej och tjo och kramar och god julhälsningar och Michelle och jag går vidare till Carlsons. Möts av en hyperventilerande glad Soffi, och jag får ropa 'axel axel!' för att inte få armen ur led av björnkramen. Vackraste fina vän som jag inte sett på fem månader, det längsta vi varit utan varann sen...ja sen när? sen vi var yttepyttesmå? Sen före vi gick i skolan måste det va! Shit pomfritt! Lunahunden är så glad att se folk, viftande och öronvippande får vi pussar och rivna strumpbyxor. Nina och Roger fixar glögg och välkomnar lika glatt och härligt som alltid. Soffis vänner är alltid hela familjens vänner, man får alltid komma in, sitta ner, få nåt gott att dricka och surra lite minnen och tankar och känslor. Får finaste finaste presenten av Soffi, som inte kunde bli mer A-K! Tack älskling, absolutely love it!!!
Pussar och kramar hej och god jul och sätter mig i bilen med mamma och pappa, åker mot havet, mot den tysta och lugna tryggheten, ut på havet, ut i den lilla skarsnön som finns kvar, den vinande kalla vinden på havet, men sen julbjörken och julgrillen som möter på ön. Isig brygga och så himla himla många matkassar. Tror nog mamma och pappa kockar julmat för en sexpersonersfamilj ännu. Sånt sitter i.
Joel ringer från Indien, han har sjungit finska julsånger i en indisk skog med Johanna, så fint och passande! Nu drack de öl på en uteservering. Malin ringer från Sverige, firar med pyttelilla Maija och Henke ute på landet, med några biologiska och egenvalda familjemedlemmar på plats.
Sitter ner med mor och far på villan, brasor tänds, choklad plockas fram, ett gott rödvin öppnas. kalle anka börjar men jag orkar inte med hans tjattrande. Men Ferdinand tycker jag om! Fammos favorit. Försöker tänka att jag ska minnas hans 'Jag sitter hellre hääääär, och LUKTAR på blommorna!' när det stormar för mycket.
Lugnt och annorlunda men hemvant julbestyr, läser oknäckta serieböcker, äter choklad, dricker gott, äter god jullunch, öppnar uppfriskande få- men otroligt fina- julklappar! Somnar klockan åtta på mammas fårfäll. Fell asleep on the sheep, igen. vaknar till liv klockan halv 12 och mår som ett barn, tryggt och varmt men med känslopansaret ännu inte riktigt välutvecklat, alla känslorna är så råa och starka och lättväckta. Tänker på vilsna människor, de som har ännu mer att deala med denna julafton. Som inte är så lyckligt familjelottade som jag är. Det gör ont men jag försöker sända varma tankar. Och en trygg och välbekant plats att stillsamt känslostorma på. Kall skare att trampa nya stigar i.
Och nya saker denna jul, en ny skiva jag inte vill sluta lyssna på. Nya julkort och nya bekantskaper. Fina nya vänner jag tänker på, roliga stunder jag ser fram emot. Mitt Gula Solskenshus som är underligt men vackert julpyntat på Mitt Sätt. Elin och Kaslin och Heidi i mitt kök efter alltförlänge borta. Fina fina vänner. Gamla och Nya. En förväntanskaramell inför en juldag som inte kan bli annat än fin, middag som hägrar, och sen fina vänners lag senare.
Det blev en fin jul trots allt, annorlunda men fin.
God Jul!
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Conversation between (I presume) non-smoking Finnish Doctor and the very NONnon-smoking Anna-Karin
Doctor (more a statement than question): You don't smoke?
Me (thinking what is the point of lying?): Yes I do actually
Doctor (unhappy/dissapointed look on his face): And how long have you been planning to keep smoking?
Me (looking, I assume, baffled by the stupid question): Weeeell...until I manage to quit?
Doctor: I assume that you know smoking is not good for your health?
Me (looking, I presume, amused and slightly patronising): Yes, I've heard something like that mentioned once or twice.....[implying End of This Conversation]
Me (thinking what is the point of lying?): Yes I do actually
Doctor (unhappy/dissapointed look on his face): And how long have you been planning to keep smoking?
Me (looking, I assume, baffled by the stupid question): Weeeell...until I manage to quit?
Doctor: I assume that you know smoking is not good for your health?
Me (looking, I presume, amused and slightly patronising): Yes, I've heard something like that mentioned once or twice.....[implying End of This Conversation]
Thursday, 15 December 2011
(Typ två)
trodde jag var en typ av diabetes...
Var får Jag plats?
är ett jävla bra Nirvana album
och Freuds ilskna dotterdotter
skriker att
hon vill inte ha en penis!
(inte ens avundsjuk)
Friday, 9 December 2011
I reiterate; All ways are Good except the Dumb ones
So, I am slowly learning that I am the Queen of Taking Too Much On My Plate. Not in a literal eating too much sense, I do the opposite there - but on the metaphorical 'I love saying yes to everything and jumping into these unthoughtabout projects without asking myself ever ever DO.I.HAVE.THE.CAPACITY.TIME.ENERGY.AND.POWER.TO.DO.THIS?' way. I am literally a pro at this, and I can tell you it is no good thing to be a pro at!
So, this whole advent calender malaka? How did I even think of that? Or, I will rephrase, I know exactly how I thought of it, in a crazed hyperactive moment with too much yarn and ribbons in my hair, when spending two hours every day doing my hair seemed like a wonderful idea. I have pretty much been in that state since I went to Sweden in August, and it went so far in the crazy hair department that I started feeling n.a.k.e.d and vulnerable when I was NOT wearing crazy stuff in my hair.
So, rephrasing the last question; Why did I think that I had the energy, capacity, time and power to do this crazy advent blog thing? Things that talk against it;
-I have a lot shorter hair now, which makes it harder to do in the first place
-It itches a lot, just like dreads, even when you shampoo and dry the crazy things
-It takes HELL A LOT of time doing a new thing every day, and sorting out the older ones which are hanging (literally) onto a thread
-There is only so much imagination one can have even with yarn, ribbon, fabric etc
-I have a crazy busy month with christmas fare, work at Friends, work as an art model, columns I am trying to write, projects I am trying to kick off, projects I am trying to complete, a hectic social life, money worries and planning, a demanding new(old) house, and first and foremost;
I am a maniac, truly am. In the most selfloving way of saying that word. I have the dreaded and much hated Good Girl Syndrome. I love projects, I love planning, I love doing crazy and perhaps funny things which may or may not make people laugh, I love making people happy, I love when people tell me my clothes, hair and appearance makes them smile, or chuckle, or even just think twice about what is ok to wear etc...
And I TOTALLY forget myself in the process. I burn myself out in both ends, and then I wonder a week, month, half year later why I am jobless, tired, skinny and with a hopeless economy and irratic mind.
I do, thankfully, also have amazing friends, an absolutely totally brilliant family, an ability to make friends with pretty much everything from a door to a little old lady, an ability to laugh at even the pitchdarkest of times and at the hardest of experiences. And I also have a newly recultivated selflove. Which does not shine through every day, sometimes it is far far far away, but most of the time there it at least a little glimmer of it left, and it gets me through the other side. The organised side. The office manager self. And the office manager in me picks up the pieces, creates a new excel spreadsheet (or more likely a paper what to do note) of life advice, such as;
-Say no
-Love yourself
-Remember to meditate and do yoga!
-Sit down doing nothing every now and then
-Only socialise with people when you have the capacity and strenght and URGE to do so
-Don't think that you are always missing something if you are not participating in every social event in the entire world
-Don't drink too much, and more imporantly; don't drink for the wrong reasons
-Spend more time with your old and/or real friends, rather than irratically chasing new ones. Most of them won't get you anyway
-You can't do everything, but you can do Something.
And today I am feeling great. OfficeManagarAnna has been up and running for about a week and a half, and I am feeling organised (well, I am always organised/chaotic in a funny wierd mix, but I am organised economically, which is good), rested, happy, wellfed, warm, clean and....well, good basically.
So sayonara crazy hair idea! You will see me with crazy hair in the future too, but only every now and then, when I feel like it and have the energy and time to spend aaaaages doing it...
Right now I am going to spend my time making gingerbread, reading, prechristmas pepping, artsing and craftsing and resting instead - which is a LOT better!
Peace, Love and Pitbulls
Monday, 5 December 2011
3rd, 4th and 5th of December - All rolled into one!
So, the weekend got a bit hectic with a lot of work, and a little too much drinking as well, so I was not taking pictures very proactively...
However, braid number three was a yellow one in the back, and number four was another pink one and number five (today) a blue/green/yellow one.
This is what my hair looks like on day 5;
However, braid number three was a yellow one in the back, and number four was another pink one and number five (today) a blue/green/yellow one.
This is what my hair looks like on day 5;
2nd of December - the world goes Blue
Second of November, and I decided to start the Blue section of the hair. I used this pretty blue and white flowery fabric to make a crocheted braid this time.
And it went in on my left hand side, the shaved side, and got braided into the side braid;
So, this is what I looked like the 2nd of December - with two braids in;
This is fun, bring on 24th December when I have 24 random braids in my hair!!
And it went in on my left hand side, the shaved side, and got braided into the side braid;
So, this is what I looked like the 2nd of December - with two braids in;
This is fun, bring on 24th December when I have 24 random braids in my hair!!
1st of December - PINK kicks it off (no, not the shitty singer, the colour pink..)
So, 1st of December, and I started the Advent Calender with a nice pink braid. And to add to the pink theme I was also drinking Pink Wine (which sadly tasted like horrible cordial rather than nice rosewine...but a girl's gotta drink what a girl's gotta drink...)
And the next morning (in better light and new outfit) I looked like this;
I got all the nice pink I had together;
I looked like this before I started turning myself into a pony;
and then created a pink braid which looked like this;
And the next morning (in better light and new outfit) I looked like this;
Good start eh peeps?? Love peace and pitbulls to you!
Yes, there WILL be a crazy Pony Advent Calender - this is the background Entry
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Anna-Karin, who liked everything colourful and quirky. When she was allowed to dress however she wanted to (which was most of the time, as long as it was clean and hole-free) she always wore kinda random and 'ungirly' clothes, big hoodies or college shirts, tshirts and her brother's old jeans.
She found her oldest sister's homemade clothest the coolest ever, and could not wait to be grown up enough to wear those big black trousers with plastic flowers sown into the hem, or that turquouse and black patterned jumpsuit. Or the black velvethat with Sunflowers on it!
She also found her older brother very inspirational, as he wore funky 70's clothes from second hand shops, and always looked cool and Beatles'y, with short hair, or cool and hippie'y with loooong hair all wavy from the bun he used to wear it in. Thankfully this big brother also had excellent music taste, so the ickle Anna-Karin used to sneak into his Mumin-wallpapered room when he was away, climb silently into his bunkbed, and then listen to Nirvana or Smashing Pumpkins or Green Day (once upon a time they were actually good and alternative) or Supergrass or Pulp or Blur or somethink equally good...
This little girl did not only have a brother and a sister, but even had a THIRD amazing sister, who used to have all the nailvarnishes a person could wish for, and who used to create amazing patterns with a paperknife and several different nailvarnishes. She used to own a LOT of collegetops which one could sneak out of her cupboard and 'borrow'. Not sure how happy the sister was about this, but little/primary school Anna-Karin was happy about this! This particular sister was her best best friend in the world, and still is. Except having good nail taste and good college tops she was also the best of playdates, and the two littlesisters used to fly by the neighbourhood kids on a red tunturi, most likely with towels around their necks playing a game which was called 'Stålmormor' (irongrandmom) and involved Malin being a taxidriver and me being her passanger. I have forgotten why we wore towels and why the game was called Stålmormor, but I bet it was a good idea...
So this little girl grew up loving colours, wearing random handmedown clothes, and dressing up and dressing down and playing theatre since she was an ickle little child.
And she grew up, and she refused to grow up, and she decided to be a grown up not scared of kids things.
So, she found an old old plastic pony which she used to play with as a child, and then she thought of this crazy idea of turning herself into a pony come christmas!!
She found her oldest sister's homemade clothest the coolest ever, and could not wait to be grown up enough to wear those big black trousers with plastic flowers sown into the hem, or that turquouse and black patterned jumpsuit. Or the black velvethat with Sunflowers on it!
She also found her older brother very inspirational, as he wore funky 70's clothes from second hand shops, and always looked cool and Beatles'y, with short hair, or cool and hippie'y with loooong hair all wavy from the bun he used to wear it in. Thankfully this big brother also had excellent music taste, so the ickle Anna-Karin used to sneak into his Mumin-wallpapered room when he was away, climb silently into his bunkbed, and then listen to Nirvana or Smashing Pumpkins or Green Day (once upon a time they were actually good and alternative) or Supergrass or Pulp or Blur or somethink equally good...
This little girl did not only have a brother and a sister, but even had a THIRD amazing sister, who used to have all the nailvarnishes a person could wish for, and who used to create amazing patterns with a paperknife and several different nailvarnishes. She used to own a LOT of collegetops which one could sneak out of her cupboard and 'borrow'. Not sure how happy the sister was about this, but little/primary school Anna-Karin was happy about this! This particular sister was her best best friend in the world, and still is. Except having good nail taste and good college tops she was also the best of playdates, and the two littlesisters used to fly by the neighbourhood kids on a red tunturi, most likely with towels around their necks playing a game which was called 'Stålmormor' (irongrandmom) and involved Malin being a taxidriver and me being her passanger. I have forgotten why we wore towels and why the game was called Stålmormor, but I bet it was a good idea...
So this little girl grew up loving colours, wearing random handmedown clothes, and dressing up and dressing down and playing theatre since she was an ickle little child.
And she grew up, and she refused to grow up, and she decided to be a grown up not scared of kids things.
So, she found an old old plastic pony which she used to play with as a child, and then she thought of this crazy idea of turning herself into a pony come christmas!!
Thursday, 1 December 2011
1st December - The Kickoff for the Vilsevals Advent Calender 2011 Extravashizzlemagizzlenza!!
So, I have thought of this crazy wicked idea for a blog advent calender this year, it is simples, let me take you through it step by step;
1. Every day of December, starting today, I will braid in one new fakehair/extension/braidthing made out of yarn or textile.
2. There will be a colour scheme; light blue, pink and yellow
3. I have off course taking the inspiration from the following;
4. Basically the aim is to, by the 24th of December, look as MUCH like a tiny little girly plastic pony as POSSIBLE. Which will be slighty interesting with my otherwise not so frail and tiny frame, my piercings, tattooes and the shaved sidepart.
5. This can become just as crazy as possible, my hair always lives it's own life so I have NO idea what will happen.
6. I will take pictures every day of the new hair
7: with my lousy internet access I cannot promise upload of pics EVERY day, but there will be 24 blog entries at least, so that you can follow the mad hair progress.
8. I will show off my crazy 24 day old rasta-fabric-yarn head of hair LIVE on Christmas Day at Friends, so please people, book your plane, train, bustickets to Jakobstad, Finland, NOW! Cause this will be a show not worth missing
So peeps, let's see what will happen, this could go mad or just be very very boring, but let's hope it will be fun(:
A few little goodens from past (hair)times;
So, I have thought of this crazy wicked idea for a blog advent calender this year, it is simples, let me take you through it step by step;
1. Every day of December, starting today, I will braid in one new fakehair/extension/braidthing made out of yarn or textile.
2. There will be a colour scheme; light blue, pink and yellow
3. I have off course taking the inspiration from the following;
4. Basically the aim is to, by the 24th of December, look as MUCH like a tiny little girly plastic pony as POSSIBLE. Which will be slighty interesting with my otherwise not so frail and tiny frame, my piercings, tattooes and the shaved sidepart.
5. This can become just as crazy as possible, my hair always lives it's own life so I have NO idea what will happen.
6. I will take pictures every day of the new hair
7: with my lousy internet access I cannot promise upload of pics EVERY day, but there will be 24 blog entries at least, so that you can follow the mad hair progress.
8. I will show off my crazy 24 day old rasta-fabric-yarn head of hair LIVE on Christmas Day at Friends, so please people, book your plane, train, bustickets to Jakobstad, Finland, NOW! Cause this will be a show not worth missing
So peeps, let's see what will happen, this could go mad or just be very very boring, but let's hope it will be fun(:
A few little goodens from past (hair)times;
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