Monday 5 December 2011

Yes, there WILL be a crazy Pony Advent Calender - this is the background Entry

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Anna-Karin, who liked everything colourful and quirky. When she was allowed to dress however she wanted to (which was most of the time, as long as it was clean and hole-free) she always wore kinda random and 'ungirly' clothes, big hoodies or college shirts, tshirts and her brother's old jeans.

She found her oldest sister's homemade clothest the coolest ever, and could not wait to be grown up enough to wear those big black trousers with plastic flowers sown into the hem, or that turquouse and black patterned jumpsuit. Or the black velvethat with Sunflowers on it!

She also found her older brother very inspirational, as he wore funky 70's clothes from second hand shops, and always looked cool and Beatles'y, with short hair, or cool and hippie'y with loooong hair all wavy from the bun he used to wear it in. Thankfully this big brother also had excellent music taste, so the ickle Anna-Karin used to sneak into his Mumin-wallpapered room when he was away, climb silently into his bunkbed, and then listen to Nirvana or Smashing Pumpkins or Green Day (once upon a time they were actually good and alternative) or Supergrass or Pulp or Blur or somethink equally good...

This little girl did not only have a brother and a sister, but even had a THIRD amazing sister, who used to have all the nailvarnishes a person could wish for, and who used to create amazing patterns with a paperknife and several different nailvarnishes. She used to own a LOT of collegetops which one could sneak out of her cupboard and 'borrow'. Not sure how happy the sister was about this, but little/primary school Anna-Karin was happy about this! This particular sister was her best best friend in the world, and still is. Except having good nail taste and good college tops she was also the best of playdates, and the two littlesisters used to fly by the neighbourhood kids on a red tunturi, most likely with towels around their necks playing a game which was called 'Stålmormor' (irongrandmom) and involved Malin being a taxidriver and me being her passanger. I have forgotten why we wore towels and why the game was called Stålmormor, but I bet it was a good idea...

So this little girl grew up loving colours, wearing random handmedown clothes, and dressing up and dressing down and playing theatre since she was an ickle little child.

And she grew up, and she refused to grow up, and she decided to be a grown up not scared of kids things.

So, she found an old old plastic pony which she used to play with as a child, and then she thought of this crazy idea of turning herself into a pony come christmas!!

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