Thursday 1 December 2011

Beloved readers of Mine - What DO you want to read about???

Hi Folks!

I humbly apologise for the very very poor blogging in the recent weeks, I have been living like a hurricane with a broken shoulder (not claiming that hurricanes HAVE shoulders, but you see what I mean...), becoming friends with my house, being busy working, living, talking, eating, not eating, sleeping, not sleeping and so on and so on.

But I will attempt to get back to the bloggage, cause I miss the daily blogging moments! But with no internet in ones little house this is not an easy mission, and at this moment I am relying on internet from the most various of sources; friends, library, workplace etc etc...I would usually go to my parents' to use their computer, but it seems to have some nasty and very annoying bug and virus which makes it a machine from hell and I want to kill myself of pure ITannoyance every time I touch it, so I try to stay away from it....

it is actually amazingly wonderfully heavenly nice NOT having internet in my Sunshine house, so one part of me never wants to get it installed. But then again, if I want to make some sort of career as a freelancer (and those are my grandious plans) you NEED to have a constant internet source. Sadly but true. So I will get it, I am just going to enjoy this blissful internetfree existence a little bit longer. Suck the candy until it crumbles into the tiniest little sugar particle and is finished...

So, I can't be arsed to give you a total retelling of my life the last weeks, but I will say this much; daily fights and makeup with the fireplace, getting not one not two but three axes (of various size, quality and age), getting my granddad's bike which was found in the forest by some kind hunters about two three months after he 'lost'/left it there, getting loads and loads of ved (also from faffas), winning 200 euros on a scratch card when one has 0.39 euros in ones account (that was a GOODEN!), finding new friends (both animal and human, and half and half, but I won't go too much into that's a little secret of mine and only a very selective possy will understand what I mean when I say SHETLANDSPONNY!), sauna, redwine, attempts to poetry which ended up being just one word on a paper, and so on and so on and so on....

I have pretty much lost (maybe just momentarily) the need and want to totally give you everything of myself and my life through my blog, so the blog may take a bit of a different turn...I don't want to stop blogging, and I'm not gonna stop being honest, straightforward. I do carry my heart in my sleeve after all. But what I will do is maybe blog about slighlty different people, this is where YOU have a possibility to affect things...

More pictures of my sillycrazy hair which has a life of my own?
More about my house? both pics and text perhaps?
More about my everyday life, my artsy craftsy things and pictures?
More about music?
More about poetry?
Less of something? (not that I will listen I reckon, but tell me anyways...)

I can only change things which I am aware of, so please don't be shy, comment! And don't worry, I wont take it personal or take offence if you feel like writing 'I think you are a sad pathetic looser with ridiculous hair and I think you should stop blogging altogether'. All I will say to that is 'Fingers to YOU 'mate'. You're the saddo for thinking so, and you can crawl back under that pathetic mossy little stone you came from and go f*ck yourself'. Basically I do not take offence. 

Peace and Love Hombres y Cariños! x x x

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