Wednesday 11 July 2012

Revival of Vilsevals (perhaps...)

So, the blog kinda died for quite a long time, for several reasons, but mainly because I felt I had nothing to write about and no inspiration to blog. However I've had intentions of reviving it for the last month or so, and I think I will just set the ball rolling now by giving it a go...

I think today is a good day to start re-blogging, as today is kind of a special day to me.
Today (11.07.2012) it's exactly a year since I "moved back" to Finland! I have to say I'm a sucker for anniversaries, it's something about the way they always make you contemplate over time that has passed, experiences you've had, emotions you've felt...I'd love to say that I'm a person that lives in the present, but I know that the truth is that I have a tendency to always dwell on the past, and clinging on to the past in form of diaries, photos, letters etc...

So a year eh? Seems crazy that a year has gone so fast, it's literally flown by! But thinking of it, I've done quite a few things in that year, and in many ways it's been one of the most hectic and varying years of my life. I've quit my job, moved to Finland, learned to drive a boat, helped to build the foundation to a sauna, gone to festivals, jumped into skips, finished off minibars, fallen off bikes, fallen in love, partied far too hard, met new friends, travelled in Sweden for a month, been reckless and crazy, been heartbroken, moved into my first very own place, met more new people, rekindled old friends, learned to crochet, became an aunt for the third time, gone to London, had a crazy new year trowing cabbage and meeting awesome people, suffered a messed up shoulder, suffered a messed up back, having quite a miserable winter being cold, sick and unemployed, having a much better spring, getting a summer job, starting to enjoy cottage-life again, working working working, enjoying my ladies being back for summer holidays......which kind of takes us to the here and now. 

At least I can't say it's been an uneventful year! And all in all it's been a pretty good one. Lot's of crazy ups and downs which I could have been without, but then again they have taught me new things about myself as well, so maybe they were needed too.

I can't say I'm any cleared about The Future, but right now I am trying to think that it will sort itself out some way or another. Sometimes when you stop worrying about things you find they just work out. And if they don't I guess I'll have to start worrying at some time.

Hasta luego amigas y amigos, now I'm going out to enjoy the wet grass under my feet and the sweet sensation of smoke going into my lungs.

One love

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Du har borjat blogga igen, va roligt:) Nu blir min slotid pa jobbet sa mycket battre:) Kram, Soffipropp
