Monday 29 August 2011

Hi Folks, 

I'm Anna-Karin Jylhä, a slightly chaotic, creative, lost and found individual currently living in Jakobstad, Finland (which is a tiny but oh so beautiful town on the Finnish coast).

I have only really started to blog as (some of) my friends complain about my excessive facebook posting (links, videos, pictures, status updates), but hey I say If you don't want endless Anna updates, DON'T BE MY FRIEND ON FACEBOOK! But, some other friends have asked me to blog about my oh so interesting life, and I am not one to dissapoint people so hey here I am!

I am getting ready to go out for a little Europe tour (Stockholm-Örebro-Stockholm-London-(maybe Berlin)-Stockholm-Åbo-Helsinki-Vasa), and will most likely be back in Jeppis town in October or so. So follow me around Europe on my blog, or check out my endless pictures on facebook (they are oh so exciting!)

And I feel the need to kick the blog off with a proper nineties classic which I have borrowed half of my name from (the other half 'vilsevals' which is a self-made up word which means something like 'Lost Waltz' and comes from a poem I wrote when I was 15-16....);

See u later suckers!! x x x

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