Monday 29 August 2011

Tap of the Marning to ya!

Tap of the maaarning to ya!

It's 06.07 and customary I woke up at 6.00, for no apparent reason other than my very punctual body clock which has decided that waking up at 6.00 is a wonderful idea. Oh well, I am getting used to it. So I though I would use my morning time for something 'productive', such as blog writing!

Maybe a small presentation of some kind is 'needed', as some people who find there way here might not know me or of me. Let's go;

(The list is freely stolen from some kind of christian website, and has been liberately amended, as I most certainly is not 'free from all bondage', nor do I want to be!. Check in the original though for humour value; )

I AM - A child of love, truth, my parents and grandparents, honesty, creativity, music and the world.
I AM - Simultaneously 5 and 80 years old. I thoroughly enjoy the life wisdom, humour and stories of my grandparents generation, but I likewise love the honesty, creativity and limitlessness of 5 year olds, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!
I AM - Forgiven (Colossians 1:13,14)- Because I have forgiven myself!
I AM - LILLA MY! (Or at least I would like to think so...but is it possible when you are 182 cm tall? I have amended the old 'saying' "pieni mutta pippurinen" to "iso mutta pippurinen", that's about the best description of me ever.
I AM - Newly tattoo'ed. I have 3 tattoo'es so far, a star on my right shoulder, three stars on my right foot, and the newest addition to the family; second wave feminist symbol in my neck! I am so insanely happy and proud of it, it makes me stronger seeing it every day!

I AM - Yogafied! I bloody love yoga, it calmes my irratic hasty thoughts and my way too fast breathing, thinking and activity. I have been practising Yiengar Yoga for about 2 years (give or take) and find it works miracles with my mind and body!
I AM - Less and less scared every day
I AM - In love with life at the moment, and all the things in it!
I AM - Creative, very much thanks to meeting this beautiful and übercreative girl again after faaaaar faaar to long! <3

I AM - Strong
I AM - Weak
I AM - Happy! (and have realised that you create your own happiness. Only when you start taking responsibility of your own life, actions and situation can you truly be happy). Leaving my job, moving from everything I though was security and settling myself squary down in the nature made me happy. It gave me perspective, soul rest and made me find my way back to creativity and quiet thoughts.
I AM - Slightly Manic. I enjoy it to some extent, it makes me insanely creative and high on life, but it also makes me forget 12 meals in a row (slight overexaggeration) and sleep 2-5 hours a night, which is not conducive for a healthy life.
I AM - Getting All My Needs Met by Life (Anna's Book I 1:1)
I AM - A Vegetarian since 12 years back. I tried smoked fish for the first time in 12 years this summer, thankfully I didn't like it so I can continue not eating it
I AM - Childish
I AM - Mature
I AM - Quite fond of stealing silly stuff, such as bar merchandice (they get it free anyway), small furry objects and lighters
I AM - A music fachist, which means that I have very strong opinions of what is good and what is not, and only my opinion counts, everyone else is just plain wrong!
I AM - Very very fond of Truckar! There's just something about them, their strenghts, colourfulness and usefulness, which talks to me;

I AM - Pretty optimistic (but it's a very new character trait, I used to be the biggest pessimist, hiding it in 'realism'). I find serenity in the little saying; Everything will be ok in the end, and if it's not ok - It's not the end.
I AM - A neewly published freelance culture columnist - And bloody proud of myself!!!
I AM - On my way for a month long (probably) tour around Europe to see my friends in various places, I am soooooo excited!
I AM - Insanely unmusical, although I can play the triangel like a god and I am not tooooo crappy on homemaid drums
I AM - Plagued by a shitty immune system, it sucks!
I AM - Far more addictive as a personality than I have though myself. My current addictions are;

 Dancing AND my friends!

 Picking at scabs!

 Taking pictures of my own feet - cause they follow me around wherever I go!

 Showing one, two or more fingers in pictures!


I AM - Being Transformed by Renewing My Mind (Romans 12:1, 2)
I AM - Passionate! Easily angered, easily sweetened. (Theory; Make love not war. Or make small guerilla war and then make even sweeter love)
I AM - The Light of the World (Matthew 5:14) (Haha, I'd wish to think so!)

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