Sunday 29 July 2012

one track mind-Sunday

I had plans of writing a longish catch up blog entry, but I can't seem to get anything sensible written, due to the following reason;

A whole new season of Lip Service waiting to be watched on you tube!!!!!!!

So, rather than just writing uninteresting crap about how much I've been working lately, my cold and my tiredness I will leave you with a few sweet pictures, a good song (above) and the following advice; watch Lip Service, both season 1 and 2 can be found on you tube!

This is reason one for watching Lip Service; FRANKIE! (i.e. the blond skinny chick)

Reason two is to finally find out whether Cat (the dark chick in the first picture) will chose Good Copper Sam (this pic).....

.....or Frankie. (I think you can imagine where my vote stands.....)

Ahum...yes, that would be Frankie (unfortunately Frankie, ie. Ruta Gedmintas, isn't gay in real life, which kinda gives Sam (Heather Peace) a bonus point...then again, I'm not actually the one chosing so I'll just let Cat get on with it and keep my fingers crossed....)

All I can say is that I am excited about the new series, very very excited.... so long!

Wednesday 25 July 2012

The good and the bad of July

Best right now:
-The fact that Jakobsdagar are finally over! I never thought I would say it, but I am kinda happy to see my little town empty of people again. After a mad week of loads of work, too many people and too long queus everywhere it's quite nice to be able to order in a cafe or bar again without having to wait 20 minutes (and to get a seat!)
-All the time I've been able to spend with friends and family from far and near over the last few months; Soffi, Elin, Sofia, Malin & Maija - every second has been gold worth!
-how cool my bedroom is during summertime. Oh how I cursed the cold in my house during the winter season, but I have found that living in an old wooden house has it's advantages during summer- it's cool and lovely!
-Swimming! it took me until almost mid-July before I had my first swim this year (which is LATE for me, I usually have a first swim in May or so..), but since I've tried to swim every time I get to the cottage and it's like re-birth every time
-Eva Dahlgren (but that's nothing new...)
-Coral coloured nail varnish (oh yes, it's coral NOT red...)
-Cold, dry rose wine, preferably enjoyed during a cool summer night with bare feet and a cigarette (or two) close at hand - total bliss!
-Having virtually no neighbors, which means that I can go out wearing only my playsuit-nightie for a barefoot morning cigarette (especially since the "morning" cigarette is often at 1PM...), or play punk/rrriot at night when I come home if I feel like it

Worst right now:
-The fact that my throat's been sore for the last few days. I'm dreading a cold sneaking up behind my back gathering strenght, to throw itself upon me. Not looking forward to it.
-KELA. There's some serious beef between me and Kela right now, as they claim I owe them money and I claim that they should keep better track on what benefits they pay out, rather than claiming 6 months later that they've been overpaying me and want it back. How am I supposed to know how much I am entitled to? I thought it was their job to check that they pay me the right amount.
-People who constantly feel the need to point out that autumn is soon here/christmas is only so or so many months away/ the summer is now over - LET ME ENJOY SUMMER WHILST IT'S HERE GODDAMNIT!
-Stupid customers. Enough said.
-Mozzie bites
-Blood tests (no I'm not trying to sport a 'heroine chic' look, that's soooo 1995...)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Show me this picture the next time I complain about living in Jakobstad....

Sometimes I think about how lucky I am being born exactly where I am born, in this tiny little town in Finland. It doesn't happen too often, but every now and then it hits me, and especially when I see a view like the one above! I finished late yesterday and grabbed my bag and biked down to the harbour to take "my" little boat over to the cottage. I got absolutely gobsmacked when I got down to the sea, because it was so unbelievable beautiful, tiny little waves bobbing me along and a peachy pink sunset making the sea almost pink.

Had a lovely day off today at the cottage, just chilling, sunbathing, swimming, eating (A LOT!) and socializing. I am working so much this summer that I'm trying to treat every day off as a holiday, surprising how much enjoyment I get out of one day off, in comparison to this spring when I was off almost all the time and hated it. I guess you have to long for your days off to really enjoy them fully.

Anyways, off back to the mainland soon, as I've got an early start tomorrow, and what I think will be a veeeery busy shift.


Wednesday 11 July 2012

Revival of Vilsevals (perhaps...)

So, the blog kinda died for quite a long time, for several reasons, but mainly because I felt I had nothing to write about and no inspiration to blog. However I've had intentions of reviving it for the last month or so, and I think I will just set the ball rolling now by giving it a go...

I think today is a good day to start re-blogging, as today is kind of a special day to me.
Today (11.07.2012) it's exactly a year since I "moved back" to Finland! I have to say I'm a sucker for anniversaries, it's something about the way they always make you contemplate over time that has passed, experiences you've had, emotions you've felt...I'd love to say that I'm a person that lives in the present, but I know that the truth is that I have a tendency to always dwell on the past, and clinging on to the past in form of diaries, photos, letters etc...

So a year eh? Seems crazy that a year has gone so fast, it's literally flown by! But thinking of it, I've done quite a few things in that year, and in many ways it's been one of the most hectic and varying years of my life. I've quit my job, moved to Finland, learned to drive a boat, helped to build the foundation to a sauna, gone to festivals, jumped into skips, finished off minibars, fallen off bikes, fallen in love, partied far too hard, met new friends, travelled in Sweden for a month, been reckless and crazy, been heartbroken, moved into my first very own place, met more new people, rekindled old friends, learned to crochet, became an aunt for the third time, gone to London, had a crazy new year trowing cabbage and meeting awesome people, suffered a messed up shoulder, suffered a messed up back, having quite a miserable winter being cold, sick and unemployed, having a much better spring, getting a summer job, starting to enjoy cottage-life again, working working working, enjoying my ladies being back for summer holidays......which kind of takes us to the here and now. 

At least I can't say it's been an uneventful year! And all in all it's been a pretty good one. Lot's of crazy ups and downs which I could have been without, but then again they have taught me new things about myself as well, so maybe they were needed too.

I can't say I'm any cleared about The Future, but right now I am trying to think that it will sort itself out some way or another. Sometimes when you stop worrying about things you find they just work out. And if they don't I guess I'll have to start worrying at some time.

Hasta luego amigas y amigos, now I'm going out to enjoy the wet grass under my feet and the sweet sensation of smoke going into my lungs.

One love